
Better Bachelor Interviews WOMAN Cringefest!

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Publicado em 23 Oct 2024 / Em Entretenimento

Butter has hit a new low, as if going on The Quartering wasn't bad enough. What's he going to do next, open a coffee company? Well now he's promoting women to who pretend to be men's rights activists over promoting other men.

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VitaminAcc 5 meses atrás

he said many times months ago things like "us mgtow guys" when talking about society and women and then mentioned his GF on a stream with undead chronic very under the table and then said it after being forced to respond and he said the classic "Oh I never said I was mgtow". Being mgtow and dating here and there is one thing but the fact you have to DENY being mgtow and deflect using other excuses. Like ALL the previous grifters that tried milking men in this sphere. Is very telling. It's not exactly the act of dating that's the problem. It's the intentions behind lying and hiding things while trying to be "one of the cool kids" for views. Same grifter behavior as always.

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The Realist Philosopher
The Realist Philosopher 5 meses atrás

It isn't even about the girlfriend for me, as MGTOW simply means you don't marry, live with, or have kids with a woman. Though MGTOW monk is a thing it's not the entirety of it. That's just one end of the spectrum. What I object to is one his attempt to rebrand the entire thing by saying MGTOW can basically mean whatever you want it to mean, which he does simply to be able to identify as such, while at the same time later being able to say "I never said I was mgtow." It's very disingenous, and inauthentic. Also, the fact that he calls himself a bachelor is an outright lie, and the defrauding people out of hundreds of thousands of dollars is also an issue for me, and many others. Basically the guy is a complete fraud, but many of his followers coninue to defend him, which shows a lack of integrity on their part. It's all very sad really.

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RightSideOfHistory 5 meses atrás

I always saw Better Bachelor as a softie going along to make Adsense. I didn't necessarily know he had defrauded men out of money on a false pretense that money was being invested into some men's program, but I'm not surprised either. I just blocked his channel and videos. I HOPE he marries this thot and she drives HIM to suicide for his sins!

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The Realist Philosopher
The Realist Philosopher 5 meses atrás

He promised to use money from a razor promotion to build a men's retreat, if he won. His simp followers likely spent hundreds of thousands, if not millions to buy crappy razors on his behalf, probably with a promo code so he'd get the credit. After he won the excuses started, and now 3 plus years later, maybe 4 even he built his dream home with said cash. No men's retreat.

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clivemcd 5 meses atrás

He also mentioned his girlfriend in a vid. Thought I misheard so had to replay. Turns out he isnt a Better Bachelor after all.

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The Realist Philosopher
The Realist Philosopher 5 meses atrás

GF? Hmm, looks lik that razor money bught more than his new house O_o

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