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Beware Of Women - MGTOW

Published on 25 Mar 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Beware MGTOW: REKT by Ayn Rand's Gynocentric Philosophy Objectivism

Mystery Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqUVSVIDAGM

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman This is an Ayn Rand related topic. You have already made a video about Ayn Rand. You have also already made a video rebutting, Charles Tew, a nihilist disguising as an objectivist who lives in his parents basement. You also made another video rebutting the global voice of objectivism, Yaron Brook, a materialistic globalist tradcon who recently moved in a gated condo in Puerto Rico to escape the IRS. This new guy has recently popped up now called Mr Cropper and has made a couple of videos about MGTOW. In my view this guy is a thousand times less rationalistic compared to the other two bozos and therefore stands closer to Ayn Rand’s philosophy. He has made numerous points that show that he understands reality. For instance, the other two egalitarians fooling the sheeple that they are objectivists would never ever admit the truth about IQ differences between the genders. I only have a few apprehensions about him but before I conclude my thoughts I would appreciate your thoughts on the rebuttal video that he made. MGTOWs are decent, hard working, honest men who are enslaved by most women and the simps and they have used their rational mind in order to achieve or pursue happiness via freedom and self determination. How are they any different from the heroes in Ayn Rand’s magnificent Atlas Shrugged (that was originally called “the Strike”). MGTOW is not a philosophy. In the same way that Galt’s Gulch is not a philosophy. MGTOW and the Gulch are similar. A reactionary movement against the oppressors of the mind. Why is Yaron’s hide out in Puerto Rico any more rational? Objectivism is basically the philosophy that is behind MGTOW. Objectivism is the only philosophy out there that represents rational human beings, striving for their own self interest and with their ultimate goal being their happiness. I say that if MGTOW is Neo from the Matrix, an Objectivist MGTOW is Morpheus. Thanks in advance." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I couldn't really make heads or tales of your words. They confuse me. But I'll try to use my fancy MGTOW decoder ring found on the back of a cereal box to figure you out and give you a response in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWS Guide To Retiring on 200k In Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the video. Mr. Anonymous the video you shared with me from Mr. Cropper I put a link to it down below. Your request it confusing and I don't know if I can give you a proper answer. Even Mr. Cropper in his video says that he doesn't know if the video he's replying to by someone named Plain Sight has anything worth replying to in it. Cropper does however make a valid point when he says that all buildings are built in some way to raise men's stature with women or house women. So in a sense he's saying that Ayn Rand created a gynocentric philosophy worshiping alpha males. The men that built everything should be worshiped like gods in a sense. Many men worship god for building the physical world around them. Some women like Ayn Rand worship men that took what god built and used it to build even better things for women. So in a sense Ayn Rand was cheerleading for cock. As for the Cropper video I don't really know what I can say about it. It's confusing. So what I want to focus on is a series of questions you asked me and the first one is how are MGTOWs different than the heroes in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged? Since I haven't read the Fountainhead I'll focus on the men of Atlas Shrugged. You have Rearden and he's not a MGTOW. He's married to a miserable wife and he's being used by her as well as the government that are both stealing his resources and time.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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Duugus 4 years ago

You are over thinking it. MGTOW is nothing more than an automatic response to the prevailing condition brought on by Feminism no matter what age it occurs in. If Feminism, then MGTOW. Its that simple. When Feminism rises, then male homo sapiens default to MGTOW.

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thisisamgtowaccount 4 years ago

I respectfully disagree. If feminism, then the payoff of MGTOW may surpass the payoff for attempting to live as a trade.

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thisisamgtowaccount 4 years ago

* traditional man. There are plenty of men lining up for the meat grinder of marriage in a world with feminism. I was one once.

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RoboCat 4 years ago

Not necessarily feminism, just men getting a bad deal from the nation's government. For example, in Japan, there are many men that have no interest in pursuing women because JP women are very demanding, likely to betray them and they can be screwed very hard by the woman through divorce. There is no "feminism" in Japan but leftism and gynocentrism are still present.

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Duugus 4 years ago

@thisisamgtowaccount: I don't see how you disagree. When Feminism rises MGTOW materializes by default, as it is the only remaining profitable option.

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Duugus 4 years ago

@RoboCat: I recognize there are other causes, i.e. cultural, social, religious and political. I'm just sticking to Feminism for this platform and the context of the video.

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RoboCat 4 years ago

@Duugus: Yeah okay, that's a fair point.

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

the discussion devolves into ' word games'', looking for validation for being ' correcly ' refering to mgtow aspects.......... WHO CARES, the on,ly thing that matters is that YOU CONSTANTLY strive to better yourself.......for yourself.........

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Codexman 4 years ago

You hit the nail on the head when you say "strive to better yourself.......for yourself........" absolutely perfect!

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