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Biden’s Blowing Hot Air Balloons | Grunt Speak Live


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Published on 08 Feb 2023 / In Comedy

Bozo Biden blew it big time with the spy balloon. But what else was going on behind the scenes while we were distracted by it?
#GruntSpeakLive #ClownWorld #ChineseSpyBalloon
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Cyberat 2 years ago

Google, half the phones are Google Android and with T-Mobile purchased by AT&T you have a double whammy on one side.
Google is your biggest Chinese Connection and the only way around that is to find a Linux Master than can make you a rooted phone that runs a Linux OS that services your phone & network. (not Android on top of Linux)
Even if you have 0 spyware apps. but you connect to ad-hoc wi-fi such as coffee shops, you're compromised. Your tracking chip essentially is your cellphone and you can never secure anything that is on it or in connection with it. So if you're at home and you don't use your phone for Data, do NOT connect to your wi-fi. Shut off the wi-fi and use everything wired.

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satcomer 2 years ago

I'm also an Army Vet and retie, Thank God it was during 90s and zeros before the woke garbage! I can't believe my whole Army time is is for not lately and almost crying for kids today! It was full of inner city and country kids when I was in the Army just wondering if you found the same?

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snake_charmers_jj 2 years ago

Love the value of men vids. Please keep this going.

Would love a vid list for the newly red pilled men or an actual inconvenient truth vid list for these guys about to get married or newly divorced. The politics is awesome but the army brief length at my 9th grade education level kicks ass.

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The Japanese launched a series of attacks called fireballons, and because of the winds and the distances and all the issues with weather, I recall out of hundred or thousands that launched, only about 28 of them made it and only a couple of them set fire to anything... The Japs were planning to set the USA on fire in the hot summer...

This is from memory a long time ago... since I read this and similar things on the subject.

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Hmmmmm Maybe it was just a weather balloon that drifted over with the jet stream..... They do that you know.
Or we have a bomb of some description, An EMP producing nuke, a spy balloon, etc., etc., and a sign of the antichrist...

Americans and rumor mongers and news services etc., just love to invent theories and speculate much....

And the jet streams - travels at 400 Kmh in certain directions in certain places.

The fucking morons that shot it down with a missile when the F whatever was capable of matching that height and peppering it with a heap of small leaks from it's 30mm cannon... thus enabling a slow descent.... and if it didnt land before it lost almost all boyancy the deflated balloon would act as a partial drag chute... thus maybe reducing it's terminal velocity by maybe 20 % or perhaps more... thus softening its impact with water.

And if it lands diagonally or spearish like into the water the deceleration forces would not be so abrupt... meaning the wreckage would be more or less intact and whole...

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