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Big Plans and Changes Explained | Clearing Up Misconceptions


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Published on 17 Sep 2020 / In Comedy

⁣There was some concern raised in the comments about the direction the show was taking, so Toxic Male is here to address them.
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Hairy Monkey
Hairy Monkey 4 years ago

And I suppose due to the "polemic" content (according to YT), Super Chats during live streams are not a possibility, right?

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AngelusMorte 4 years ago

Wait... Hold my beer.. You WANT us to give you our Thots? Fine by me! take all the Thots you want, just head to Twitch first!

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PondScum 4 years ago

tl;dr - You don't get the naked butts and boobs on MGTOW TV anymore; you get the PG YouTube version. If you want naked butts and boobs version, pay $5 a month. Oh, and we are also adding some streaming stuff.

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wigglewagon 4 years ago

Thanks, Blake. That last video was a cum dumpster fire. All I got out of it was fuck YouTube and Blake needs a nicer dining set. I usually watch you and your dyslexic cohort here or on Bitchute which got no mention. So I figured I'd await your 1st clarification video. There's gonna be others. I get it now but some are more beef witted than I am.
Clarification - it's a beautiful thing. ~ House M.D.

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