Biggest Bicycle CRASH Compilation of YouTube (1
If you Drive a motor vehicle and hate the wrath of moronic Cyclist's around you, You WILL love this? Over 2+ hours of giving ignorant cyclist some PAIN! lol! yep there are some Dick Head Car drivers as well, but nearly all this vidfeo shows the ignorance and stupidity of Cyclist who for some reason in this "Victimhood" world of today think it's OK to ride like CUNT's and YOU should take responsibility. Naturally I think these new cycling rules are designed to berate the Moter Vehicl user, because Government know the roads will fill with Moronic entitled ASSHOLES with bikes, with no insurance , light's, brakes and of course common sense! lol! Enjoy their Pain. On of the things that really pisses me off about cyclist is they dont dismount but ride straight onto a pedestrian crossing or Cross walk, the Use of is in the title with the word "WALK". But I guess you cant expect fuck wit's in lycra to understand anything but how big their cock looks in skintights! lol!
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Best part was seeing those cyclists run into and wreck over one of their own.
Another this is thios (THE LAW) states cyclist MUST dismount as t croos walks and Pedestrian crossings, but they never do they will just ride out like the crossing is some sort of secret safety force feild. They are called PEDESTRIAN crossings for a reason. when are these CUNT's gonna learn? Enforcement and rules are required, bikes should be registered and the rider accountable, it will come anyway when the car is destroyed and they need to fill those empty coffers again. Helmets like with motorcycles should be Compulsary, Day Glo or bright clothing should be mandatory. A Cycling TEST should be compulsory and and age limit on bike use introduced, basically what all other hard pressed road users have to do. there bad behavior will shoot themselves in the foot eventually as I see it coming in the future?
Un like most Motorcyclist thease CUNT don't even make themselves visible with day glo top's or even flashing lights. Many of them are trapped or invisible behind car roof pillar's. The new 1.5 m gap applies to them as well but not one of them will stop undertaking you and hit you mirror in traffic. when I pull up at lights now I block the cycle lane to stop these morons red light jumping, Even then if hit the law blames the Car even thought they had a green light. It's like if you here in the UK want to turn Left and you are some distance in front of a cycle YOU are expected to stop and let the cycle straight through, I was taught if a vehicle was in front of you and wished to merge or turn THEY had the right to the road, but no not for the victim hood suicidal cyclist they just thing GOD is gonna save them and someone else will take the blame for their fucking Ignorance. even when they have clear wide cycle ways on the road or road side they don't keep to them, id I rode my Motorcycle on the pavement or in a cycle lane that is illegal? i would not stop to help one of these cunt's if I did it would be if the case in defense of the driver with dash cam footage. what you can see in this video is a fraction of the stupidity of the Cyclist.
I absolutely DETEST these fuckers! We don't have a lot of them where I live, but we have enough. When I see one of them it's all I can do not to purposely mow them down!
If only they were Harley Riders!!!