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Bimbo Fucking with Phone walks in front of train - Retard Father blames Concrete Post.

Published on 04 Jan 2025 / In Film & Animation

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sbseed 2 months ago

apparently the father is as stupid as the daughter.... stupidity seems to breed true...

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Drums_McBashington 2 months ago

Never being held accountable leads to taking everything for granted. Women most affected.
She just assumed any on coming trains would see her, and stop. Like the crosswalk at school.

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The source said that she was on the train at the front, gotten off, walked down the ramp and she was playing with her phone and she rounds the corner the train is pulling away, and she walks straight into it's path.... Phone Zombie...

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Sure ALL the safety stuff is good, but REALLY - it's everyone else's fault BUT hers? You mean when your coming off a TRAIN STATION PLATFORM - after GETTING OFF A TRAIN, and are about to cross THE TRAIN TRACKS, that your so out of touch with reality that not only do you not pay any attention and join the dots, that you ARE about to cross the railway tracks, AND that you should LISTEN and LOOK both ways, to see if any TRAINS are coming ---- BEFORE you cross the tracks.... YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH -- it's everyone elses fault and everyone elses responsibility to hold your fucking hand through your entire life, because your a brain dead retard.....

Daddy was still wiping her arse, getting her dressed and tying her shoe laces.....

And Daddies only excuse for her stupidity - for getting off the train and then walking around the front of it as it started up ( I assume ) was that the concrete pillar obscured her view of the train - that she had just gotten off of.

Your daughter did a dumb fucking thing.

Tragically - she died.

"When it comes to fucking around near trains - Just Don't."

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