Binfire democracy
Published on 23 Oct 2022 / In
Film & Animation
A Binfire is a bit of an understatment! More like an inferno (politically). Meanwhile we all have to put up with this pathetic CLOWN shit Show whilst our lives wither away. (If you let it that is), this is a perfect storm for those of use INDIVIDUALS to take a breather and regroup our minds and way forward. Fuck the system fuck them all as well! lol! The Catylist for all this has been with no surprise - (A WOMEN)! lol! Weak, ineffectual, stupid and the Victim could be added in their somewhere I guess as well! wqomen love being the Victim, even politicians that shouldn't be politicians in the first place.
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They all are elites and forgot they are there for the people not themselves and buddies. A complete removal of all of them and replaced with NEW is the only way forward. anything else is just going backward as the UK has become a third world country with only the elites doing well on the broken backs of the people.