BioTerror Industrial Complex and the Secret Deal Between the Jews and China
Nothing makes any sense until you view the events of today with the understanding that Jewish banking cartels control all of the instruments and agencies of power and are using the entire US establishment as an engine to advance and consolidate the Jewish grip on our economies and societies. This show is a MUST SEE for every single journalist and man or woman in uniform or in the intelligence agencies because this video describes the mechanism by which these Jewish bankers have tightened their grip around the necks or every man women and child in the West.
This show is not going to get in front of the eyes of those who need this information and can act on this information unless you all work to place this video in front of the eyes of our military, police, investigators, and journalists.
We are running out of time and unless we have the courage to confront this enemy, your lives are in danger.
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This is one smart motherfucker!