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Birthgap - Childless World PART 1 (English Version) (Mirrored)

130 subscribers
Published on 10 May 2023 / In Film & Animation

**NOTE** May 2nd 2023. Over the past few days we have been alerted that Google has started inserting ads into our video, despite our team deliberately NOT enabling ads for our channel. We do not wish to have ads, and have not earned from any ads. All revenue is going to Google. YouTube Support explained that Google has the right to place ads should we choose to not monetize videos ourselves. They have asked us to contact Google Support which we are now doing. We are asking them to stop interrupting this important story with distracting ads.

AD FREE VERSION: As an alternative Part 1 can be watched on our site for free without any risk of ads appearing here:

** Featured at the Chelsea Film Festival, 2021 **

The era of ultra-low birthrates has begun. But why are people having so few children these days? And what are the consequences ? Come on a journey of discovery across 24 countries to find the reason and also the future consequences for young and old alike.

This is Part 1 of Birthgap - Childless World.


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Toki 2 years ago

But why create more prey for the snakes to eat? Taxes, working for management, welfare, presidents, investors, single moms vote, military, police shoot you, no jobs, no pay, corporate greed, unaffordable housing/food, more than half of humans don't truly work, human trafficking, women have 100% authority on abortion, divorce, alimony, child support, women are infertile due to excessive sexual lust-filled lives.
Google didn't give you ads. Oh boo hoo. Ads are a perfect example of why I don't want to reproduce. A useless industry of lies and manipulation while real man jobs go unfilled. But manipulating people with ads is easier than real work because most people are NPCs who consume ads. A smart man blocks the ads anyways so it's a waste of time.

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