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Bitcoin Ben - Good Guys Are Removing CIA Assets, US Will Be Bitcoin Capital Of The World

Published on 23 Nov 2024 / In News & Politics

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Today's Guest: Bitcoin Ben

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Ben discusses how Bitcoin might be used to payoff the debt. The war that is coming is not what you think. The good guys are removing CIA assets across the globe. The plan is working and the people are taking back control of the country. The [DS] is scrambling to maintain control but they have lost. The good guys are now cleaning them up and taking down their systems. The war that we will experience is the last battle of the [DS]. In the end the people will see a new world and they will understand it never had to be this way.

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Intro Video Music: YouTube Free Music: Cataclysmic Molten Core by Jingle Punks

Intro Music: YouTube Free Music: Warrior Strife by Jingle Punks

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Toki 3 months ago

While you play currency nonsense. The real men of the world are out at real jobs working to create the real currency. Men's labor contributions. The only currency that matters. Just like women you leech off working men and ask them for money just like OnlyFans whores.
The dollar, WoWcoin, GilCoin, it's all made up concepts that have no value other than the paper and metals it's crafted from. Bitcoin is a GilCoin though. It's not in the real world. It's isekai currency.
I like the idea of Bitcoin competing with GovCoin. However the root of the problem is the Gov, the ruling class overall, and all the unemployed leeches like streamers who ask for free handouts. You aren't working and creating more Coin. You only consume the Coin and drive up debts/inflation. Talk is cheap. Gissa job X22.
Trump won't save us either. He will steal from us in taxation to buy your daughters as hookers and cocaine. He's not a real man with a real job. He's a comedian at best. Fun when he trolls women but we can all troll women without asking for an income to do so. Just think of how many times he's been married. Trustworthy men are either celibate and single, or stay with one woman in marriage for life. The single celibate are the most trustworthy though. My taxes are going to pay for Trump's hookers, bastard children, and whore ex-wives. Meanwhile the average man can't find a decent woman because people like you only want whores I guess. That's why you X22 are always begging for handouts on the net. To buy whores. That's your terrible economy. Leave women behind. They are obsolete. MonkCoin life is the best investment of all.

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