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Published on 16 Apr 2023 / In Film & Animation


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I dislike stupid, I dislike bullshit and I dislike people who blame others for what they have done.

This fucking glove puppet is doing ALL of that.

Last Week - "We De Blacks is Oppressed bah tha White Man"

This Week - "We De Blacks is Oppressed bah tha Corporations"

Next Week - "We De Blacks is Oppressed bah tha Whole Country"

Yeah - Black Lives Matter and ALL the fuck-head idiot niggers robbing and looting and stealing and murdering and making shit for everyone else....

And this arsehole stands there shining everyone on with his "We De Blacks is Oppressed by" bullshit.

Not a word on beating every thief, criminal and murderer, into pulp and throwing the fucks into a dumpster.

Corporations = "Yeah fuck this - close the stores and leave the area".

Surprised? Nope.

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awol201 2 years ago

Feel free to hate blacks , to the end of the earth . It is a free world . However most blacks see, this idiot grifter for what he is .

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@awol201: I try to see people as being people..... AND people can be brainwashed and programmed by government, media, social programs, cultural beliefs and icons - and and and...... I just see that "African American" bullshit as just programming and exclusivity and "I am different because"..... Kind of like the bullshit of "Nigers calling Niggers, Nigger" but "Whites calling Niggers the N Word" - what fucking bullshit.... What childish word mincing crap.... Why can't the "African Americans" just be people like everyone else? Nope - It's the Black this, the Black that, Black Men, Black Women, Black Community etc... It's the moronic group think that comes with it that pisses me off...... See we are all NIGGERS from africa, before that apes, then rodents, then dinosaurs, then sea creatures, then bacteria etc.. AND as we the NIGGERS from africa spread to all parts of the world, then the ones that stayed in the tropical areas, stayed black (lots of melanin and strong UV rays) the ones that went to warmer climates turned brown, and ones that went to icy and cold as fuck places with very little warm sunshine, went white and pale and blond.... AND if you swap the black niggers into Siberia and the white niggers into equatorial Africa - all the ones that do not die of skin cancers, hypothermia, heat stroke and frost bite, will gradually evolve over many generations - the blacks become whites and the whites become blacks... It's just biological adaptations to the enviroment....

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BigBrianUK 2 years ago

Then support your local stores instead of robbing, looting, burning them down and driving them out of your neighborhoods!
I'm black, I work security, far to many black people think they have the right to steal!

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sauger1001 2 years ago

Just another freeloading stooge. Nothing to see here.

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sauger1001 2 years ago

I'm sure the new mayor will help make things better... Not.

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TripeSwing 2 years ago

Black Lies Matter!

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bigintol03 2 years ago

Same old, same old...blame whitey!

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sauger1001 2 years ago

Clowns that this "regurgitated" version of Jesse Jackson, are why I can't live in the hood, and also why I moved out of Chicago... Twice. Bunch of whiney ass idiots. LMAO!

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