Black Lives Matter Says "Give Us Free Houses Whitey!"
From my 2018 to 2020 content produced after my youtube channel “The MGTOW Philosopher” was banned. This is from my new show “The Realist Philosopher.” Posting a lot of my content from oldest to newest, so stay tuned. Other platforms I'm on, and social media links can be found below ;)
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How about they build their own shit? If she spent less on her weave and other crap, she'd probably have a good investment started but I guess that's for others to do...and stop doing shitty degrees! The number of these mutts doing whatever studies that get no decent job prospects is astounding! Youtube has loads of them whining about how their Gender Studies degree doesn't make them a VP in businesses instantly. Maybe then you'd have the money to get ahead to buy that house on your own terms.
Absolute bunch of racial hypocrisy/double standards and anti whiteness coming from a bunch of misguided extremists anti white bigiots. Even though I don’t condone white supremacy at all from a bunch of confederate zealots which I’d call them out the ones who are trying to drive a racial wedge into our MGTOW community which is unacceptable...Neither do I especially tolerate anti white extremists thugs who dare discriminationally generalize and threaten all white men including myself because of our white skin color. It’s not White peoples fault, It’s not Black people’s fault either. “It’s both” which it was not all white and black people’s fault, It’s only a few who are trying to fan the flames of so-called racism.
more like throw em in jail fucken terrorist cunts then say here's your. Free house