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(Black Screen) Old Testament Complete 4 of 6


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Published on 23 Oct 2024 / In People & Blogs

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WMHarrison94 1 hour ago

Sorry about the block below: I was trying to simply state some simple truths connecting them ideas or "dots" that people seem unable to connect I predicted or formulated due to decreased education and increased "prison" indoctrination. I am not priest nor do I think I could be. A monk maybe but the sex drive has always been strong in me.

As I said in the past, the Gods sent me back... I think the combination of my sex drive, my creativity which I now know is mountains above many, my search for Truth (which they could have instilled in me,) and my ability or naivete to stand up against the Darkness when I was deeply immersed in it. I apologize: This is the motivation I had to start my Theory of Everything Is Connected series, but technically problems, ie Windows update, along with economy since I need to purchase some books our libraries don't carry, and well overtime taking my time, and lack of time.. er I just mentioned to troubleshoot or find ways around the technical difficulties encountered. I don't want to be a priest or preacher especially today as kiddie porn and boy ass seems to be uhm involved, and I departed from "religion" and rituals and its rites or the craft as I believe in Revelations now. The rituals and rites were needed in the past to train a lost people into becoming worthy of God El's presence. We are not those [Bronze Age] peoples and our rites and rituals have become corrupted and contaminated... just saying. Sorry for what appears to you to be word salads.

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WMHarrison94 1 hour ago

it did not help I wrote this right after I just woke up. or rather started this uhm series of posts.. the few filters I had left were not engaged! LOL!

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KEEPER 11 hours ago

ya know it's weird, i recently started listening to the book of Eli and man it is so good, i have only scratched the surface of listening to it, but man it's pretty crazy to listen to, now i'm not sure if it is indeed one of the lost scriptures of the bible or not, but i have been told all of my life that there were lost scriptures to the bible, where they were either taken out completely or lost due to some unfortunate circumstances, but i was also informed that it was also a prophecy that some of these lost or forgotten scriptures would one day become seen again, and i think it is a real story and it's one of the real scriptures.

i mean listening to it has been crazy because the story is not boring like much of the bible, which makes it sound sort of fantastical in a way, but i also like it because it's very interesting, i mean the thought that some angels fell due to breaking god the father's trust and mating with human women to produce angel DNA into creating some form of human Angel hybrid race of beings referred to as the giants or the Nephilim, which existed for a time, now it's rumored that they existed for a time, almost as if god the father allowed them to exist up until he witnessed the horrible things they were doing, it's weird because it suggests that god the father either didn't know what would happen, which suggests maybe god isn't really all seeing or knowing in some situations or perhaps he was distracted and only took notice after some things took place.

idk, i just like the idea of it being true, it would explain a lot in why god never seems to be there for some people and he's there for others who need his help.

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WMHarrison94 4 hours ago

Hmm. First, you should understand what makes us human. We are 99.999 % the dame DNA as chimpanzees: No joke. Two things separate us from chimps genetically: Master control genes, which control the turning on and off of other genes- some supergenes, which get shuffled like poker cards into other mRNA transcripts, and the timing of those genes being turned on or off., expression as it is called. Biologically, that makes us human: However as many are discovering in thier depressions to day, we are not purely biological or physical: Our mental component is dependent on spirituality. Thus, this is where the image of God comes in. So, think of this like this: Edgar Cayce "America

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WMHarrison94 3 hours ago

Goddamit... Fucking keynoard... hit enter n its corner... any way "America's Sleeping Psychic" described our bodies or flesh like the spirits descending to play in it, the flesh sort of like V/R for the minds' of the spirits. The problem was the spirits got convinced of the flesh as being "reality" and forgot their spirituality and the flesh moded aroung the spirit. Dark spirits became like dak, gothic things say like Tolkien's giant spiders. So, like a knight, the kinight rides the horse, but the horse can make decisions on its own. I think Freud caught this with the id, ego, superego. The id is the flesh; the ego is our minds or us, which TFM is arguing now is a hallucination, a hologram of our self-image. Having died, I can tell you I strongly disagree through experience living and dying. So, what is God (El Elohim) the Creator God? He is what he told us: The Word. The Word said let there be light and there was light. As he told Abraham, "I am who I am." Consciousness. So, the Image of God El is God the Creator or Father-- the Word, God the Son what I saw God in Cosplay Jesus Christ or prefered Greek Yoshua Kristos the body-- the Word Made Flesh, and the God the Holy Spirit: He Who speaks through the prophets, Now, add in the Temple of God is His follower, the Flesh. The Temple of Synagogue is just a metting place for the followers to celebrate together and commune with God El. Henee, it is our "Community." Now, how does this relate? The Gods (I sm including His forgotten Wife the Tree of Life or Ashereh) revealed to me a "revelation:" We humans are made in this image, but how? During the "Spark of Life," a flash of light in the darkness of her womb, a woman gets pregnant when a man gets lucky. Once the sperm penetrates the ovum's outermembrane, the other membrane hardens instantly ro prevent polyspermy. That hardening is a chemical reaction causing the ioization of manganese or magnesium I think that then flows through the cell, the ovum to harden its membrane. If the membrane is not hardened, and two sperms penetrated, the mitochndria opens up and causes cell death. Just daying: I observed with this under light microscopy with sponge zygotes, well as they became zygotes during fertilizaion. So, God El puts a piece of Himself into a cell at its fertilixation becoming a zygote, So, what is it that makes us human separating us from the animals? It's not biology with 99.999% same DNA as chimps. It'd the Soul, The piece of God He put in us. Saint Augustine argued as I believed God El revealed to him that what makes us human is the ability to perceive time. As biologists, we know or raher understand most animal life if it has consciousness on some level say the chimps, your dogs or cats, or the bears women chose over us, only exist in the present: I believe some animals say dogs, cats, and dolphins, ie mammals have rudimental memory or "instincts" as this is observable say a dog jumping in rushing water to save its drowning master or lioness hunt gazelles with learned and modified tactics. The Soul allows us to perceive time, which compared to the animal kingdom "makes us Gods" or rather "godly." We can remember the past, see and feel the present, and see or look forward to te future in hope of in fear. Now, the fun part: How is God El omipresent and omniscient? We are of God. He came entereth and leaveth our bodies, His Temples, as He pleases. He prefers "clean temples." Anything other than God El as the Holy Spirit requires "our permission" to enter. When we get say "baptized" in Chtistianity, we are reconfirming our relationship to God through the four elements: water baptism, fire via smoke during some masses and Ash Wednesday, air also though said smoke of the burnt palms from Palm Sunday, and dirt or solid as the eucharist or the food during the Jewish feasts as God El ordained. Just saying. Most people can not connect the dots and our Satanic ran society wants to kill us not save us or allow God's redemption or say passage to Heaven or Paradise, which I strongly believe is paradiso, a walled garden= ie the Garden of Eden. Being of the West, we are trying to recreate two things ortraditions we lost: The Garden of Eden via JudoChristianity and High Society via the Greeks the descendants of the Atlanteans. What if I told you that now we are seing archaeoligcally those two groups the Israelites and the Greeks-Atlanteans are the same people? They left Egypt under Moses during his Exodus... and as a symbol of remembrance the special Jewish gold candlstick that holds seven candles for God's seven festivals (not seasons as often mistranslated in Genesis) is the halfing of the island and its surround rings of Atlantis and we found this carved by Atlnatean survivors in Spain after or around the time they built their memorial "ritual cities." Just saying: The Word. The words have meaning, which is why wizardly as Owen Benjamin calls it is a thing., ie word play. Symbols or "memes" can cut through the words... hence our modener Satanic propaganda. Fuck, I apologize: I bet this is too long.

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WMHarrison94 3 hours ago

Yeah... this was too long. Guess I should make it a video if I can figure out how? At least, I have a Linux oc now and a laptop about to be wiped and become one, a Linux pc.

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KEEPER 3 hours ago

@WMHarrison94: well not only was that too long, but it was incredibly confusing to understand and read, it felt almost like i was reading the scriptures but somehow even more confusing lol, you sir idk sometimes if you make this stuff up or if you are the real deal, but i still like you, you can sometimes make me think on things, your no pastor but in this community of lost men, you are as close as we can get lol. maybe you should do a video, maybe i will understand your meaning better. because right now i'm so lost in translation of what you said in this comment i have no idea where you were coming at lol.

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WMHarrison94 2 hours ago

@KEEPER: It's not made up. I have receipts. The problem is people today do not see the lines that commects event or truths, the "dots." I can not give proof of my death- well the experiencenes and the hospital reports or charts without doxxing so... Everything else I have the proof oram trying to refind it for things I read or saw awhile ago... The sense is everything is connected but they the cartel the cabal the Globohomos wants to separated us and rule over us. I don't know when I can make a video.

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WMHarrison94 2 hours ago

@KEEPER: I tried to break down the phrases, the words used to define them and then show what they mean and how they are connected. I am at my core an artist: That is what we do to define and understand out reality and then recreate it in art for others to see. I do know I am on "another level." I get that. I se deteails other don't pick up.

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WMHarrison94 2 hours ago

Maybe I can squeeze out a simple video-- sit I still can not record my computer's sound... I

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