Redpill asylum vol 1 - RedKnight

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Black Women ADMITTING They Fed Up With Hook Up Culture!

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Published on 01 Sep 2024 / In People & Blogs

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30203forever 5 months ago

Short answer: Polygamy. Monogamy only works in Patriarchy. No Patriarchy, no Monogamy, no real relationships for the majority of men or women. It's that simple.

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Toki 5 months ago

They are the hood culture nobody likes. Fed up with it? Welcome to the club. Now turn off the rap/hip hoppy and listen to man music like rock and metal. Or anime/game OSTs. Women should idolize the feminine pure Hatsune Miku instead of Beyonce/Minaj/Swift the extreme hoes.
Most of your hood culture comes from the music the elites use to brainwash the people. Right now and the last 30 years or so it's been rap hip/hop used as the brainwashing mechanism. Look at what it has done to women. Tell me I'm wrong. Women being the most easy to brainwash of course. However men who listen to the music are usually shitty people also. For example in Japan nobody listens to that rap garbage and look at their tiny crime rates. JP men aren't simps either. So there aren't single moms everywhere. It's lonely women with no kids no man instead. How it should be.
Also think of this. Obama and his boyfriend Big Mike approve of rap and hip hoppy. But they likely hate video games and anime along with the OSTs. As well as rock/metal. Are you a man or a faggot Obama?

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