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Blackhawk Pilot COVERUP! Army REFUSED To Release Her Name Until Social Media Could Be Scrubbed!

Published on 03 Feb 2025 / In News & Politics

Blackhawk Pilot COVERUP! Army REFUSED To Release Her Name Until Social Media Could Be Scrubbed!

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 30 days ago

Her social media accounts were scrubbed but a lot of pics of her were posted on the new/old Roosh forum and they all show her in among a lot of rainbow people and rainbow flags. Looks like a militant left wing homo. She was most likely piloting the helicopter at the time as it was her flight evaluation. This was also a "Gold Top" Blackhawk which means they are responsible for flying top VIP's around DC. Doesn't instill confidence. Total shit show.

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WMHarrison94 29 days ago

Yeah... I believe it's a DEI cover story, having 500 flight hours myself on fixed wings, I understand 500 flight hours on a helo is a huge experience: The helo trips are shorter. I strongly suspect a back up off helo override to pilot or control the helo... targeted assassination maybe. Who was on the plane? There's an Amazon series of secret wars and services fighting called Citadel. One sub series involved an agent who becomes a double agent in order to infiltrate Matador, which had her parents' flight targeted and destroyed to kill a political target. The parents were just acceptable collateral... so... Fiction mirrors reality! As a writer myself, don't I know it...

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Lemme guess... she forgot to turn the autopilot off?

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