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BlackRock: The Company That Has Been Ruining Your Life

Published on 24 Mar 2024 / In Film & Animation

BlackRock, the company created by Larry Fink, is the biggest company responsible for ruining your life...yet you never heard of them. They're responsible for the WokeMind Virus by creating E.S.G Scores, the housing market crashing, race relations and gender relations being terrible right now is all thanks to them.

I would like to give a thank you to KaiserTigger for editing from the star to 5:18:

I would like to give a thank you to whatifuniverse for editing from 5:18 to 9:33:

I want to give a thank you to Caas for editing the video from the 9:33 to 15:19

I would like to give a thank you to my newest editor FireballHD for edting from 15:19 to 19:36:

I would like to give a thank you to Tommy for the editing from 19:36 till the end:

And last but not least a special thank you for the Thumbnail:

Armorded Skptic Does Not Understand Knowing Better:

The BlackRock Video's I used for research:

Moon's video
BlackRock: The Most Evil Business In The World

Aperture's video
BlackRock: the Company That Controls* the World's Governments

The Plain Bagel's video
Addressing the Blackrock/Vanguard Situation

Hidden power of the Big Three?

My Paterno: https://www.patreon.com/JustARobot

0:00 Opening Skit
2:30 what is BlackRock
5:16 Who is Larry Fink?
9:33 The Rise of BlackRock
15:16 How BlackRock Began Thrie Plan for world domination
19:30 ESG scores
22:32 credits

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KEEPER 11 months ago  

i actually learned quite a bit from this i didn't know.

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WMHarrison94 10 months ago

Uhm, Vanguard and Blackrock together own the majority of shares and that's not even counting their shills and financial nitches or slaves...

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WMHarrison94 10 months ago

Uhm... Vanguard owns Blackrock... and it is likely and rumored that Vanguard was or is WW2 NAZI criminals... with stolen assets and now the world's richest.

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WMHarrison94 10 months ago

Control what people think? Hence the Unconstitutional censorship...

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bigintol03 10 months ago

Never turn your back on a kike!...As my grandfather told me many years ago..."The Jew is the head of the snake"

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WMHarrison94 10 months ago

Yeah.. the Satanic Jew or as Hod of Israel El calls them "Synagogue of Satan..." He warned us, but did we listen?...

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bigintol03 10 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Fuck no, almost no one listened!

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sbseed 11 months ago

its not just blackrock, it is also the corporations who decide this nonsense and encourage it as well...
notice all of them have jewish CEO's or owners, or board of directors as the case may be...
same as all the centralized banks or banking systems setup by the jews, along with all of the media or major media...

the jews have told us what they where going to do from the beginning, poison everything we build/create/think of/use/etc. including what we wear/eat/drink/drive/live/etc. also our pets or any domesticated animals etc.
they know they are a disease but they revel in their evil as they worship satan...
take a long hard look at the catholics and their small hat leaders, things that make you go hmmmm.....

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KEEPER 11 months ago

you want to know what's so funny about this, so i grew up religious learning about Jesus Christ and all the stuff in the bible including the stuff in the bible about the jews, they were considered the good guys at one point, where they were innocent, but then jesus came along and they rejected him because of some prophecy that was written by imperfect men didn't exactly line up with what it said, sure they witnessed the things he could do, but they viewed him as one of Satan's minions, they would listen to the Pharisees more than anything, they were kind of described as scholars who would be the experts of their religion, they were arrogant as hell and would never consider they were wrong on something even though some things came to pass after they lead Jesus to his death. the story of Satan i got in my religion, believe me or not, you don't have to, but this is what i was taught, so in the beginning in the premortal life god the father, not Jesus he is the son of god in my religion, he had a plan and it was to put everyone through a life of learning you could say as it was a sort of trial and based on how you lived in the mortal life good or bad and depending on some circumstance's weather you knew they were truth or not in this life, were always given a chance to learn and that you have free agency in this life, you don't have to be a religious person but are granted better blessings when you do, now Satan was also there, but this was before he had fallen, he made a choice that could save everyone but it was by "force" remember this word and reflect it with how the jews want everyone to live in modern day, apparently they want to force people to find god and be good, twisted huh? there have been many times through out history where they have tried force such as communism which has been tried and failed every fucking time it's ever been tried because it forces people to conform instead of making that choice on their own, however it kind of does give choice, because the people have to like the idea of communism through the promise of socialism first, but most people are stupid as fuck and never consider that it always leads to communism in the end, but they always seem to make these choices to lead society this direction because the indoctrination is very well crafted, they want people to be kind of dumb and dependent on the government, this is why the common core rule of teaching were trying to transform everything we learned was always wrong, so 2+2 would = to something stupid and not logical like 5 being the answer, which is false of course, but little kids don't know this if they are learning for the first time in their life, because it's just repetitive memory at that point, rinse and repeat. alright so we have established that the jews want to force people to be good in their twisted way, or what their version of good means, they are doing exactly what Satan wants and likely being lead by Satan in some way, and there are some prophecies that lead to this idea, i have heard Amr even speak about this from his religious perspectives, btw i feel like all religions have some truth in them and some have slightly diffrent stories and prophecies and some prophecies are the same with some diffrent little details sprinkled in, now here is what sucks, some religions including the one i grew up with aren't seeing the bigger picture and aren't seeing the subversion of the jews which has been changing their politics in the direction of the jews, most people aren't seeing this because it's been ingrained that the jews are good people, some might be good people, according to Amr, he's kind of a jew, but not one of the bad ones, he will still call out the jews who are though, which makes sense, every religion has it's sects that all think very differently and are somewhat separate from the main one, at least from my findings while researching in my life. sorry if this is a bit long, i will stop it here, because i think you get the idea. the jews will essentially bring down the things written in revaluation's and we are seeing this happen in real time through their Satanic forceful actions, some of us anyways.

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sbseed 11 months ago

@KEEPER: that sums it up pretty good... too bad the LDS church is slowly abandoning its own faith...

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KEEPER 11 months ago

@sbseed: the sad thing is it's coming from the very idea that they allow anyone to join, and depending on where the modern day politics of the time leads they change their stance on these traits, they say it comes from the prophet, but i don't buy that, i'm pretty damn sure it's political, i don't go to church anymore, not because of that specifically, but i mean the church also teach free will, and free agency so i took my role out of there, my reasons are not as direct, it was a combination of things, but i do believe some good people still exist who go, i just feel they are being mislead and aren't getting the full truth. when that shit started, fuck if i know. but it happened at some point in my life i assume. you know the funny thing, it was prophecies that this was going to happen in the last days, that people would abandon the church, but it wasn't specified why, it's like all prophecies from that front, they are all very vague but still detail enough that you can notice it if you are constantly looking for it, it's the same with revelation's. like that video i uploaded a few days ago about the sounds coming from the sky, the bible doesn't really specify what the cause is, it's sort of told like an angle is playing a trumpet, but i don't think this is what people are hearing, because i have also researched into many things in relation to the plans of the elite and the things they have left behind for themselves to enact their plans, it always starts out as conspiracy theory, but you dig enough and find some truths and then you find that it can't be denied anymore, but there will always be people who will still tout that evidence as conspiracy theory. now funny enough, i was taught this by my LDS church from the beginning, but i was taught to always question things, even my own religion, this is why i feel that change happened at some point in my life, because why teach such a thing to someone who you want to keep on the right path? so i take my free agency and free will and always question those who even teach me, i suppose it keeps you on your toes to always keep your head on a swivel lol.

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sbseed 11 months ago

@KEEPER: i do not think it is because of allowing anyone to join, i think it is the leaders embracing secularism and 'going along to get along' sort of mentality... whatever the causes i am sick and tired of the nonsense and bs...

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sbseed 11 months ago

@KEEPER: yea, i started going less and less when after they started to agree too much with the media and going along with 'the science' and other things, that was only the culmination for me.

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KEEPER 11 months ago

@sbseed: your probably right on the secularism thing, i have seen some pressure like this as well with the members, i stopped going during the era of lacy green, i knew when the women in the church were talking about that nonsense that it was only going to go downhill from there on out, i did stay for a while longer, but i agree they just kept agreeing with the media and i kept seeing it as a trap.

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WMHarrison94 10 months ago

@KEEPER: There are "good Jews:" The "patriarchy," but remember that subversion you mentioned? Whenever a "Jew" quotes the Talmud, which allows pedophilia and does not consider it "adultery," is actually a "Traitor." The Talmud is the Egyptian way... subversion. The Talmud was written by nonbelievers to God of Israel El Elohim but as a cheatbook around the Ten Commandments. Remember the story with Moses where he divided his camp in half and they killed the nonbelievers. Well, the authors of the Talmud were too chicken shit to admit being "nonbelievers," but they killed the men who were like them. They wrote the Talmud after Mount Sinai. Remember in the Gospels when Christ asks "Whose Laws are you following? This is not my Father's Laws, The Laws of Moses?" This is what He is referring to... the Talmud: Much like the Koran, it allows it followers, it's adherents to lie to nonbelievers, and Muslims also consider American and Canadians Muslims as nonbelievers. Subversion. It's Satan's way...

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WMHarrison94 10 months ago

@KEEPER: You both are correct... the women had subverted the Church, but the Church was already corrupt. I used to be able to pinpoint about when the Church, the Catholic Church got secularization or taken over. Some person heroes of mine, much like Aristotle, who told his boss Plato... "Boss, you kind of right, but this explains it better...referring to knowledge and Aristotle (Plato's grad student) reorganized the Socratic knowledge in Academic disciplines, which we still use today, is the Group known ad The Hellfire er Club I want to say. We have known the Roman Catholic Church was corrupt: Hell, one of the Popes tried to claim with a falsified letter that the last Roman emperor "gave" the Church ie Pope the Empire... So, a bunch of French I want to say young nobles wanted to exercise their free choice and well play poker and whore around: The Pope and his "Church" had NAZI regime like control over the peoples. So, these young aristocrats dug from their castles and mansions into the natural labyrinth of underground caverns for a place yo whore, play poker, and well lounge out and socialize with drinking and their enjoy arts. The Church still found them. The demonic want absolute control over mankind, but God of Israel El wants free-will and ultimately for man to find and love Him. Deception is all they have... how dare you believe your lying eyes or lying logic... I think the early Church like the Pharises compromised too much at Nicene Council where under Constantine they organized the canonical Bible... some words were changed to reflect more kindly on Rome... just saying. During Chirst's lifetime, there were about five or six sects of Jews who were pissed that the Pharises compromised too much with Rome.

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KEEPER 10 months ago

@WMHarrison94: i think you might have me beat on information you know on the topic, but i think you might also be advanced in years over me lol.

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WMHarrison94 10 months ago

@KEEPER: yeah maybe... I just read alot well when I was younger and actively watch alot of documentaries usually historical sometimes religious ones too.

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KEEPER 10 months ago

@WMHarrison94: ok, now i got to ask a follow up question to that, did you smoke a lot of weed back in the day too? this is not a question to offend, it's a question of curiosity as i had a friend who was also crazy knowledgeable on things and he smoked a lot of weed, so i'm wondering if it correlates with other pot smokers..

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