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Blade Runners- One Man Destroys EVERY SINGLE ULEZ Camera In His London Borough

Published on 11 Oct 2023 / In Film & Animation

Keep the good work up Guy's . In a corrupt society you are HERO's NOT Criminals as you are fighting injustice and corruption of government. If the LAW is allowing this corruption then the LAW is an ASS and not fit for purpose.

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bigintol03 1 year ago

Applause from America!

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mrghoster 1 year ago

I believe WE are alkready in WW£ and I treat life as such, Here in the UK is gradually becoming a CI*VIL WAR against Government and the rich. They can keep poking that Hornets Nest and soon they WILL (I promise you) , get badly stung. what the plebs don't realize is you just need BALL's not to comply,k it's that simple. what they are doing is ILLEGAL and if you DON@T respond the cunts cant do a thing. Few are paying any of these trumped up fines. some are removing their licence plates because th chances of police in the UK being seen neverlone stopping you is slight, plus the fine for not displaying a licence plate is far less than a ULEZ fine. Alternatively make a number of card fake plates and change them every couple of miles as long as they slip over you original plate if stopped (unlikely), the police cant to anything especilally if the plate doesn't exist. Mind you I'm not saying I do that, but the plan is already in place! lol!

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bigintol03 1 year ago

@mrghoster: I 100% agree, when the people stand up the game is over!

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GenerationLESS 1 year ago

@bigintol03: David Icke has been saying that for decades.

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Fuck this female dummy playing for the cameras saying this guy is a vigilante fear for your family, and oh and PRISON the Caneras are not Law and Not Legal so don't install them except at those losers Rishi and Khans Faggotts House.

No real British member of the public is going to snitch or grass on Blade Runners as if that happens or Babylon Scum try to arrest them then your gonna find British members of public are going to put the Old Bill in Body Bags as none of them want this and they hate "The Scumbag Force" Don't blame them. We all know the cameras are going up to spy and track people for when they force their Lockdown 2.0 bullshite

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We are not stopping until you stop. Agreed.

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Take the law into your own hands, when the law becomes corrupt it is every citizens duty to take the Law into their own hands
From the great movie The LUST FOR FREEDOM \G/

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Thank you for finding and uploading this video.

TFL can get fucked if they are fucking over British people.

Fuck Sadgit Khan and Rishi the Rapist.
Not a Fan of this female reporter playing dumb and the media's puppets.

They are Heros indeed.

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