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Blame It On The Weather - Happy New Year

Published on 03 Jan 2024 / In People & Blogs
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Furioso 1 year ago

Top dollar ,i appreciate most of your content but you are fucking wrong on many points :1) How men can keep wahmen in check in Europe ? These bitches have been weaponized to emasculate men ,they can destroy your life with lies and are not punished if the man can prove his innocence .So on this point ,you don't know what you are talking about ,you probably don't live in Europe with these feminist wahmen ,so shut your cocky mouth 2) Fertility rates are in the toilets not only in Europe but in most country all over the world except in Africa ,you know why ?Of course not .It's because Feminism is not in most African countries and because most Africans have low IQ ,they are the better slaves for the elites .That's why their fertility rates are so good ,the elites want to replace us white people ,that's why our salaries become shitty and inflation is through the roof .Again you don't know what you're talking about .3) Russia and China go to Africa for slaves (very cheap workers if you prefer) and mineral ressources ,not for customers .Most people in Africa are lucky if they can eat one meal a day so how can they buy other things to Russians and Chineses .

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