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BLM Factions Eat Each Other as Even More Money Goes Missing LOL

Published on 05 Jun 2024 / In Film & Animation
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SteveOUK 9 months ago

Is ANYBODY surprised that people who can't handle money don't have records of what they did with it? Ineffective record-keeping is a problem in the ghetto, the trailer park, and the barrio... it's one of the many things that keep them IN those places.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Yeah, and theft and renting pussy...

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

I was going to say why not call them Buys Large Mansions... oh no!? IRS audit... I mean we are paying for Jewkraine so... they need that money. What if they burn their Large Mansions... oh damn, the tax papers were there .. damn, now we have to file insurance claims... Burns Large Mansions...

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Well RGE... Bricks, gasoline, matches... these things and oh yeah, buse and van rentals... these aren't cheap man...

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I was always of the opinion that any gains by deceit, are not gains, and there tend to be many unintended consequences, undesirable "interest" and "other earnings".

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

I wish they'd loose half mil on my uhm property.... maybe I can be an Uber driver and damn... half a mil fell out their backpack or briefcase... I never saw anything, er nothing...

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@WMHarrison94: And spend it discretely - $20 in the fuel tank, $20 or $30 on the groceries, $20 on nails and building supplies.. ... None of this "Brand New Porcha" bullshit....

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Is buying a safe say $1000 not too discreet?

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@WMHarrison94: Dunno..... If I found a brief case with $1,000,000 in it, along with a few hand guns and a kilo of coke... laying on the side of the highway in the middle of nowhere.... I'd pck it up... then in the middle of nowhere, go use the ammo up, toss the guns into some old abandonned lake or deep open cut mine full of water, dump the coke by slashing the bags out the window at speed or flush them down the sewer, and then balance up on a small long term savings plan, and go with small cash only purchases... I would not do outright fraud - but illegal drug money... yeah... IF the dsposable income for necesseties was say $500 a month, save $50 and spend $50 - from the drug money... And maybe $50 a month on a good meal for two etc.. There are things that you do return them when you find them, because it's the right thing to do, but sometimes when it's a "donation" from a decidedly bad cause, it's finders keepers....

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@WMHarrison94: Also with the proceeds of criminal activities, go donate to charities and the soup kitchens and things that make a difference.

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@WMHarrison94: This is the mean mincer I want to get...... Stainless and motor / belt driven. I don't trust the cheap shit kitchen counter top units... -----------

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I agree... I was thinking about saving thr grocery money and pay cash for a also depends what quantity of bills those dollar bills are in... There's an Amazon Weeds attempt at a series, rather two attempts. One is a bunch of 40 year Olds hanging out with a friend in Idk Guatemala or something who has ties with cartel. They stole some drug dealers' money but the crooked cops find them because of the bills being too high...

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@WMHarrison94: Yep.... squirrel away the real earnings and crumb out the crime cash... Assumng that your income and expenditure gets audited, the numbers have to add up.... $20,000 income, $10,000 in overheads and $10,000 in disposable income - If you managed to scrape and save and can put away $3,000 - it's believable. Jumping up to $6,000 in savings, without receipts begins to get questionable, especially with the same expenses.

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@WMHarrison94: There are some dumb arse junkies who are on the dole - unemployed = say $8,000 a year in benefits..... The dumb cunts arrive home one day with a $30,000 HOT (fast) car..... paid cash.... And the cash came from DEALING DRUGS - and they are always off their tits on meth and driving tiny little country roads - disappearing from here, and appearing there - 150 Km away in an hours time at 2am... phone call logs, GPS... etc.. AND the speed limit is 100 Kmh - and these are roads I would not travel on at night at over 40 - 60 Kmh... Kangaroos... and they think that people do not notice them?

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: who said anything about putting it in the banks? Sure, I'll add some every month to pay off bills namely credit cards but TFM usggests having 6 months cash and gold/silver (for bills the gold/silver also 6 months worth). So... what's the phrase, drizzle, drizzle. This is why they want to do away with cash.

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@WMHarrison94: Get portable trading like gold and silver... BUT get in pallets of preserved foods like tins of meat, tins of baked beans, tomatoes, peanut butter etc. BIG commercial tins...

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44 gallon drums of diesel - with long term preservative / fuel alcohol / lubricants etc.

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