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Blue Pill Beta Male Simps And Their Response To Men having standards #tiktok #redpill #mgtow #simps

Published on 03 Apr 2022 / In Film & Animation

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

What I am confused? What are you supposed to a Virginia once she's veen broken it? That was used?! Used vagina! I am going to add that to my diction. Thanks man... oh, don't blame the feminine whit boys too much, Big Industry has poisoned our food with soy or soybean since the 80s when they realized a diet if Soy made the Chinese more uhm "manageable" and passive, kind of how out women were meant to be.... just saying, 6 thousands years of continuous human civilization since Ancient Egypt and Iraq the Mesopotamia. It's like damn, what would patriarchy know? It's not like it's been around for 6 thousands years!

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