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Blue Pill or Red Pill - The Matrix -29- Movie CLIP -1999- HD

Published on 19 Feb 2022 / In Film & Animation

⁣Blue Pill or Red Pill - The Matrix -29- Movie CLIP -1999- HD

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

This is my favorite movie still to this day and had a profound effect on me for the rest of my life. this movie was earth shattering in so many ways when it came out in 1999. There is not a single movie I have watched more times. The first matrix is better than all other versions even the one that just came out in December 2021. The story is heavy on christian symbolism with Neo being Jesus like, cypher being Judas like, and Morpheus similar to john the baptist. The special effects and features of this movie were groundbreaking when it came out. It is also remarkable to consider that the year it came out was marking the end of the millennia in a sense. What is also sad in a sense is the story of the "men" behind the film, and how they have in my view lost their minds behind the scenes with both brothers becoming transgender which in my view is totally bizarre. It evens shows through the films getting gradually worse up until the final one that was just released which is now fully poisoned with libtard propaganda, it is a tragic end to something that could have been a truly remarkable series that would stand the test of time. Movies from this time period were reaching a pinnacle in a lot of ways in my view and most movies I see today are missing the magic the slightly older films had and I don't see it improving anytime soon. Its like the western world has been in a state of decline for like the last 15 years or so, its like 9/11 and the collapse of 07-08 permanently changed things and it hasn't been quite right ever sense.

Thank you for posting.

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