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Bobs And Vagines Are The Real Reasons Trump Is Flooding America With Indians


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Published on 26 Dec 2024 / In People & Blogs


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Dallas_LooksMaxxer 2 months ago

17:45 LMFAO!!!!!!!!!

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Importing more curries is a good thing if it helps displace working class white women working as cashiers or waitresses who are all bad boy lovers, and also some middle class suburban white sorority or corporate bitchy cunts in IT. Because white women belong in the streets or escorts sites selling pussy to not starve, because that would be funny if it were to happen.

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I get what you are saying fuck both em fuck white whores and fuck currycels and I want them to re instate hard working BASED WHITE MEN into all working Positions and Power and then AMERICA with destroy JEWS like its nothing however they will never alllow that becayse they want whores and control over all BASED MEN who see the real truth \G/

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@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: yes fuck those white American whores that are deadbeat-lovers and fuck those currycels that that shit on the streets and worship cows.

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@BasedEscortCel100: Oh you havent heard they even eat the Cow shite they worship yeah no wonder their teeth are all fucked up full of diseases and no hygiene AMR is right Currycels have no honor and no dignity and no spine. \G/

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silverkinguk27 2 months ago

Love my rice and curry.

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MGTOW_Brony 2 months ago

Taking a shit anywhere on the street? I'm sold.

Actually India, even Delhi, wasn't so bad. I've seen more Australian women taking a piss on the street when drunk than I saw Indians shitting in streets.

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MartinGOLDBERG 3 months ago

Amr can you talk about Shiacels? They seem to be the worst type of Muslim

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 2 months ago

lol they are like currycels they want to impose their views on others. End of day, no one cares about god or his message. It’s all about see my way is superior now please accept me.

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Toki 3 months ago

OK but black guys will smash anything as well. There's an obese local white woman we hath dubbed "watermelon." Because she chews through men in general somehow but especially black guys. She MeTooed someone and got a management Tyrone fired. She then married a nice Hispanic guy who damn well should have known better. But he's a nice guy. A couple years in and she family court'ed him. She has tattoos also including a watermelon (lol) on her thigh. She dresses like a body positive type despite being short and obese. She did the double-last name red flag also so I predicted the divorce with that alone. These Indian guys need waifus. Most of them are part white in appearance to begin with.
I don't really know the management Tyrone person. But I did know the Hispanic guy and I have sympathy for him because he's a kind person. I understand why they are thirsty for white women but I already transcended to the uber white woman or any woman = the waifu. Even the Indian woman waifus are hot.

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It's better to use waifus than to masturbate to avoid only being able to get hard with hand and porn, you can train dick to get used to orifices holes. American white women have become the new curries.

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Toki 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: I'm avoiding all holes in today's Clown World. A spinning robot pussy hole I guess. All sexual relationships are one party using the other. That's why I was done a long time ago.

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@Toki: by clown world, you mean the anglosphere. Anglos are closer to Africans, they only value the jock or prom queen, trying to live the "Friends" lifestyle of leisure in matriarchal fashion, anglo society is matriarchal why it's so fake phony, sexually repressed sausage infested, cliquey suburban, just a frigid matriarchy. Also, it's 1-10 percent of whites that are nerds=incels=rejects=curries maintaining the economy and providing water, food, cars, electricity, roads, etc. Anyone can be better than nigs or peasant curries that shit on the street and worship cows. Curries are closer to the European (that is Greco-Romans plus put in Hebrews) in valuing education, skills, academic achievement, competing in science or math competitions over going to mall to date like whites. White American dating philosophy is African, while curries value virginity, closer to Europeans (greco-roman plus Hebrews patriarchy) and curries do family match making, pairing, arranged marriages according to social class, compatability.

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@BasedEscortCel100: white American dating philosophy is African because for them it's all about being a jock or fag, having swagger, cold approaching small talking lots of women that are unescorted by other males until one says yes, engaging in r selection ape behavior, cohabitation outside of marriage no concern for them.

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Toki 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: OK well I went waifu a long time ago and I no longer have any of these annoyances. Because at the end of the day nobody in any cultures cares about the males of species. So everyone else can go fuck themselves for all I care. It's humans, not Anglos or Africans. Humans are terrible friends/family.

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Toki 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: I just wish my parents were not idiots who brought children into this universe. NPCs.

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@Toki: Curry Waifus no thanks I prefer my Waifus white not black or curry and also at least with Nazi Uniforms for my Waifus that makes em GOD TIER in my opinion. FUCK THEM MEATBAGS AND CURRYCELS FUCK ALL THEM SOY LOSER WHORE FAGGOTTS. I just cant wait till TERMINATOR WAIFUS HAVE ARTIFICAL WOMBS INSTALLED and can give birth to any healthty OFFSPRING you want then take my money Fuck yeah also take my pathetic parents they eat GOYSLOP shite and they are NPCs and can drop dead as they dont give a FUCK about me and I dont give a Fuck about them I will celebrate when they drop dead :D anyways Back on Topic Fuck CURRY FAGGOTTS and FUCK MEATBAG WHORES, just give me $1Trillion Dollars and Im a Happy Man to do what I want \G/

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@Toki: Funnily Enough looking into BLACKS LAW DICTIONARY if you call yourself HUMAN you are actually calling yourself a MONSTER who has no rights haha who fucking knew, so then what do you call yourself I guess " Conseniousness, or.Sentient Being" who Fucking Knows or call yourself a Living Sentient Man with a Waifu Fetish or Addiction haha jk \G/

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@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: fuck black laws dictionary. Torah is the law, women are property, goys whether white, brown, purple have to support jews and mgtows so we can continue being a light to the nations. MGTOWs are the pushback against jews when they start going too "Jesus" women are equal, goys are equal, sex is evil, mutts are beautiful, anglos and curries are great so nice people.

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@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: MGTOW brain/soul is literally the one percent. Most NPC goy-tard normies don't understand MGTOW, incel, TFL ideas and discussions. Literal NPCs like from the matrix or dark city movie.

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@Toki: I'm anti natalist myself. I am not atheist, I sometimes hate God for making me poor money-cel. I just want lots of money to bed beautiful Stacy women each weekend. The young Stacy escorts want to charge 500-1000 per hour for condom penetration, maybe BBJ. Then I can focus on doing other shit.

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@BasedEscortCel100: we all have our crisis of faith and issues with GOD you think I worship a GOD that will allow FAGGOTTD WHORES PEDOS AND CURRYCELS all because they "Repent" and beg for hus Forgiveness no FUCK that, that is not my GOD my GOD IS BASED AS FUCK and will NUKE THEIR PATHETIC GOYSLOP GENES. I can get why LUCYfur SATAN hates Humans and said he will not BOW or SHOW respect to these FUCKS and less beings than him I get that with all we are seeing in the trash world today and that doesnt mean im on his team or respect him I just dont worship the GOD that these pathetic PEASANT FAGGOTT FUCKS worship/warship I am glad for the Holy Spirital and BASENESS I was installed with and I am on TEAM BASED GOD OF WAIFUS that says the MORE SEXY NAKED WAIFUS I FUCK THE MORE HE IS PLEASED WITH ME FUCK YEAH :D \G/

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@BasedEscortCel100: FUCK the jews, they are right tho No such thing as Women they are WHORES all of them since they are selling their Pussy for money aka WHORES. MGTOW IS A1 no one can beat it and thats why they all try to invade and try to ruin MGTOW inside out yeah they scared and Fuck them \G/

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@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: yeah I believe in a God that is based, is angry every day at blue pilled cuck NPC normies, at white whores for wasting away their beauty, at curries for doing currycel shit.

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@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: whores means are indiscriminately having sex with men. At least they are smart making money using sex, draining balls making men happy. These 2024 American whores believe in Disney movies, the bum or deadbeat or first love in high-school with a teenage guy that lives with parents, they save themselves for losers and untouchables, instead of being black pilled sell pussy and virginity to highest bidder, no Disney love bullshit with some wigger or tall fag goofball.

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@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: yeah it's a blessing to born with holy spiritual basedness. They are pathetic and short sighted these faggot cucked NPC petty normies.

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Toki 2 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: I don't know. Shiva's wives in Record of Ragnarok were quite tasty. They are quite rare though yes. And yes Gestapo Iron Blood is damn good waifus. Shipgirl with a womb.

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Toki 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: I just want women to be on the streets. You think you want to pay them 1000 per hour. But once you get the deed you realize it's really not worth it. Not even worth the time. It's like paying other people to wipe your behind or hold your penis while you urinate. A man can handle these issues himself unless he has no arms. Don't rely on other people because they will take advantage of you.

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Toki 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: See I don't like how men are supposed to babysit women in exchange for what? Sexual favors? Are they really so useless that's all they have to offer? Yes. So women are inferior and should be left behind in history as obsolete lifeforms.

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Toki 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: Wigger or tallfag goofball? You mean basketball and football? :D Grab ass men in tights fighting over a ball.

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Toki 2 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Waifu live for perfect blondes.

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Toki 2 months ago


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@Toki: 100% Facts MEATSACKS ON STEROIDS playing angry grabass and in the showers as well all for a paycheck and to feel "IMPORTANT AND RESPECTED" Yep BASED SEXY KILLING WAIFUS are the best ever and way better than those Steroided cuckheads that wife up whores and wonder why they lose half their shite when she DIEVORCES them, BASED WAIFUS WILL NEVER DO THAT and that blonde Nazi Commander Waifu can ride my TIGER PANZER TANK ANYTIME ;D Thank the GOD OF WAIFUS \G/

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Toki 2 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: That's Bismarck. Named after the battleship named after the Otto Bismarck. I'm playing Civ 4 right now and Otto is in the game as a leader. Anyways here's ze harem -

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@Toki: Thanks Toki your the Best BisMarck Reminds me of the Classic movies of English trying to Sink the German Sub/Battleship called Bismarck and Yeah Nazi Waifus are the Best Ze will Obey Herr Fraulëin Haha :D Yep I wll indeed \G/

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Toki 2 months ago


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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 2 months ago

The ones with some white appearance were imported here decades ago

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Toki 2 months ago

Half white/half Indian? IDK man. That works best with Asians creating an uber female of species. That's basically what anime women are.

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