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Bobs And Vagines Are The Real Reasons Trump Is Flooding America With Indians


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Published on 26 Dec 2024 / In People & Blogs


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roastbeefinspector 3 hours ago

the jeetpocalypse will continue until morale improves

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 4 hours ago

Even underpaid Hindus in the us make enough that what they make here is ( More often than not ) sent back home where it is worth more. Curry Cells dont care about America or the white man and they know his woman is a whore who fucks for money. They know not to get involved with that whore. Go visit a certain AMERICAN software giant in Redmond, Washington and look around.... They're everywhere!

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BasedEscortCel100 8 hours ago

Yeah that chad lite Slavic guy won... hooked up with the party girl by mogging the currycel... a winner because there is a small chance they will have sex a number of times and produce more Slavic guys with incel physionomy and Vitaly faces (the guy Vitaly that does pranks) that drink alcohol and beat up their wives, or Slav women that end up becoming cum dumpsters for russian oligarchs, passport bros and Hollywood producers.

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BasedEscortCel100 9 hours ago

I think I figured it out why oofy doofy is law. what millennial and zoomer scum do is that they do is that they talk to women only through the context of school or work. Their cold approach is to ask for their Instagram and for these blue pill normies cold approaching is the equivalent of sending a direct message on Instagram, then orbiting the woman. That's their mating strategy for most of these normies. For these normues it's taboo to talk to women as in cold or warm approaching, which I don't encourage because others in the room will find out you will be ratted out or the boyfriend might be a black or anglo pussy beggar that will have to act alpha intimidate you to win brownie points with the woman.

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Izzy 11 hours ago

Elon Musk and and Trump are playing the role of good cops and controlled opposition by promoting civic nationalism which is just a softer and more palatable version of globalism. Musk betrayed his fellow Boers in South Africa when political power was completely given to the blacks and he never used his wealth and influence to help them out. Musk is basically the right wing version of Soros. Both support transhumanism, massive immigration, microchips, replacing humans with robots and AI, and using digital surveillance to control ppl under the guise of security. This whole best and brightest nonsense is a deceptive lie to acquire cheap labor and outsource jobs to Indians, Pakis and Chinese who will scam the system and take jobs away from Americans. Indians have an average IQ of 78 and the vast majority of them are genetic garbage with no desirable qualities at all.

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BasedEscortCel100 10 hours ago

Indians and chinks aren't that smart, they make up by rote memorizing but their critical and intellectual thinking skills are subpar. Granted, most Caucasian men are ultra conformist, don't mature beyond high school, are pussy beggars, and Caucasian women don't reward intelligence because it makes them feel inferior or makes it harder to manipulate them. Best minds are Hebrew, Roman, Greek, they promote the beautiful culture. They viewed Egyptians and Chinks as smart but cowardly people. They did not view barbarians from the north aka white people as equals, saw them as courageous but not so intelligent why they fell for feminism, Christianity, and all white guys are really dominated by their feminist mothers or wives.

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BasedEscortCel100 10 hours ago

When Asians study, they just do rote memorizing but have no real intellectual depth.

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