Body Positive
Published on 01 Oct 2022 / In
Film & Animation
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Can you imagine a drunken night out and waking up to that and saying, "You have some lovely soft pillows on your bed darling" - towhit she replies that wasn'r pillows that was my tummy! lol!
These "Oxygen Thieves" also die younger! I have a theory that the world today is seriously out of BALANCE because of things like HER! We keep hearing how the planet is shifting on it's axis this is why and most of themare in the west so the balance with the East is well off kilter!
She looks a bit "HIPPOglycemic" to me! If old Lard Ass there had Red Hair she would look like a giant sickly CUP CAKE! On a chocolate base looking at those leg's!
Well, she can learn to play the flute (Lizzo).
I think some girl made a song that she wanted to be a hippopotamus.. ;)