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Bodybuilding Addiction

Published on 20 Sep 2024 / In Film & Animation
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mrghoster 27 days ago

I used to work with a Guy in a Factory that was obsessed with all this, bumped into him about 3 years ago and now he is old he is about 30 stone and really obese because he got to a stage where he couldn't do the shit anymore, it's called age and it ALL turned to fat. In the day he really was arrogant and thought he was the bee's knee's, and now he is this sky pathetic ill character. I'm so glad I have spent my life beinbg normally healthy and looking after my body generally and my Finances even more, my life is good, not perfect but good!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 27 days ago

when I was about 16 years old I bought a Bullworker, remember them...didn't last long

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mrghoster 27 days ago

It's all a Narcissist's MENTAL ILLNESS, like Bulimia or Compulsive Land whale COMFORT EATING, come to think of it it's like continuous SELF LOVE selfies and all this preening in mirror's they do, yep! We live in the time of MENTAL ILLNESS where it is now the norm and being intelligent or mindful is considered an ILLNESS these day's? Fucking FREAKS.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 27 days ago

We have all been feminized!

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mrghoster 27 days ago

I bet that selfy wont fir both of them in the shot even in Pana Vision! lol! I bet the camera is very slightly moved to her favor as well?

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mrghoster 27 days ago

That pic of the tow lovers tiogether put's awhole new angle on being drawn together, she actually looks like she is growing out of HIM? lol!I have heard that these male body builders use it to compensate for a very small MANHOOD? lol! But I guess I already know wears the trousers anyways? lol! I bet her favorite disco song is "LA FREAK"! lol! BRAHHHH!!!!! Repulsive!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 27 days ago

Its what they are not who they are

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mrghoster 27 days ago

Fucking REPULSIVE, except to Lesbians maybe? lol!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 27 days ago

Not natural

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