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Boinking My Friends Daughter - MGTOW

Published on 05 Apr 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Lindsay Transmission Service

Kit Lindsay
Lindsay Transmission Service
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Blame It on Rio Official Trailer #1 - Michael Caine Movie (1984) Movie HD

Mystery Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruiuwRVr23U

LBRY.TV: https://lbry.tv/@SandmanMGTOW:c

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @ Gmail.com

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ron and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, could you please review the film "Blame it on Rio"? I remember watching this on Showtime after hours during the 1980s because it's r-For me R-rated.movies with nudity didn't show until after 10 pm. I was 12 years old when I saw this film and think it dropped red pill bombs without me realizing it back then. I wondered if a film like this could be made today? With the plot and casting.. having the WOKE message dialogue..but with a twist and be accepted unlike the original? If for example the two main characters were Whamans with two sons......streaming on "WOKEFLIX" during the "KOOF". What are your thoughts? I know you could connect the dots on this film and correlate to Modern day ..MGTOW Philosophy. There are lots of perky boobs in this film and had a massive chubby custard launcher just watching this back then bill bonds thru out the film. The young actress in the movie was easy on the eyes and my Shwing-Shwang loved the "Polaroid Scene"..lol Please disect and interject to the Masses my brother, thank you for all you do, Godspeed to your Future endeavors Sir." Well Ron thanks for the donation and topic I'll get to it in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Well Ron thanks for the suggestion. The film is aa romantic comedy that's actually comedic. Michael Caine plays a man that's having marital troubles and he go to Brazil with his best friend on vacation. Both men take their daughters with them. On the first night there his friends daughter, Jennifer makes a move by grabbing him and kissing him and kisses her back and they have sex and then things start getting awkward between the two friends while both daughters keep the affair a secret and seem to be enjoying the drama they have created between these two men. You just know that at some point they will become enemies once the affair comes out in the open. I put the link to the trailer in the description so people can check it out. This film came out in 1984 so it was at a time when divorce was being popularized by the media. The film was in a way showing men that divorce wasn't so bad. They could go to a place like Brazil and have higher sexual marketplace value because they are Americans and sleep with great looking women. The friend getting a divorce says he talks to his wife more during the divorce more than when they were married and Michael Caine says maybe the divorce will save the marriage. He think everything is ok with his marriage but then his wife gets more upset than usual and probably saw the other wife getting a divorce so she thinks it's socially acceptable that she wants one too. His wife decides she doesn't want to go on vacation with him to Rio and decides to take a separate vacation where she will no doubt cheat on him. Of course that's not mentioned and you have to read between the lines. His wife is unhappy because he's emotionally distant. Once they get to Rio, the city in Brazil that has a pair of boob shaped mountains on the beach almost beckoning the women on the beach to take their tops off Micheal Caines' character Matthew his best friend Victor decides to go out and find a woman to sleep with now that his marriage is over.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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NotchLion 4 years ago

I thought you don’t get play Sandman

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OniriumSage 4 years ago

Soooo, .. um, wait... LIKE !, Ok, the mystery link was juicy. But, Sandstorm, do check the subject of the circus of biased "omg, age gap, age gap, creepy men !!!" and the almost in yo face promoting of sugar-girling. What's the real ruckus here? Why trumpet both the extremes as alert worthy ?
It smells conflicting upon itself, like saying: "men, keep away from kids, creeps, but let the kids skin you of al your money, if they choose that."
It makes no nice 90 degree building corner angle logic. What's the scheme here ? A shift in social mentality for the purpose of earliest profiteering of men?
Here's a true story:
I was at a bar table, bar I frequented for years. This cutish, rather rebel ( black fingernails, the works ) girl comes and sits at my table with her female friend too.
That bar is a tolerant zone, so I said "who cares?". 10 minutes later, she asks me, a visibly over 40 years old man, seemingly joking : "do I get a free hug ?". I think "humor the kid,, but this is disturbing me from my conversation with my friend". I briefly hug her, then I return to the conversation.
10 minutes later the kid leans over, kisses my neck, and, as I turn to look her in the eyes she touches my lips with hers and asks: "can I get a kiss?"

My mind is "yea, cheap hoodlum girl trying to involve a sucker to blackmail him later. gold-extorters, not gold-diggers. So, I kiss her then immediately ask her: how old are you ??
Since Satan's self-sabotaging sin is PRIDE, she says" I make 17 in a week."
I ask her: "And don't you think you might cause me some problems with this age incompatibility?"
She goes (pride again): "Yea, I did do some problems to a guy"

I signal her with the hand to wait because my friend was asking me something.
Some 5 minutes later, she asks with a mopey face: can I get another kiss?"
Well, the dumb-dumb asked for it. She (because that is wise to first be friends, to know the other, not attack blind) had no idea I had been raised and practically lived among women. My feminine side was 50% more experienced than my masculine side.

The answer to her second kiss request was:
"[name], baby, look, I like you extremely much, but 3 months ago I made a girlfriend, see, just to give you that kiss I actually kinda' cheated on her, that much I like you, but she is closer to my age, and we plan making a family, you, you still with the school and stuff, and I think she is really, really into me.... "

and I just stood there with this supplicating "I'm sorry" on my face, while laughing my shit off on the inside because the kiddie was now caught in a drama maze with invisible variables and she was too young to have effective strategy.

1 more minute and she got her friend and went inside (we were on terrace, smoking), to get properly drunk.

Sometimes, Sands, a guy can be too much woman for a woman to handle.

Say that while chewing a bagel.

PS. Do you know that a classic bagel is technically... a torus ?

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

MEN play at their own peril..........

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