Bolshevism - Jewish Sub-Humanity - A Genuine Schutzstaffel Publication.
Published on 08 Aug 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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When people tell you things are banned, ask yourself, "WHY?" and "What is their agenda?" and "What is in it for them?".
While I make no secret of being questioningly appreciative of all opportunities to learn, I dislike it when I am culturally indoctrinated into certain ideas, and sort of prohibited, from "exploring the propaganda" to make up my own mind about it, to cross reference and cross check the "banned information" for myself.....
And when I find out that "The Jews" who control everything, are also lying about everything - including their rolling out a global program of extermination by any and many means, of the entire human race, it tends to add a lot of weight to the idea of perhaps Adolf Hitler and Co were right after all.
Their own Talmud holds a 2500 year long grudge against the descendants of the Roman empire (HINT: that's all of us who aren't Jews).