BOMBSHELL Report Details How The Israel Lobby CONTROLS The U.S. Congress _ Redacted News
Published on 09 Jun 2024 / In
News & Politics
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The New York Times is out with a bombshell story confirming that Israel is secretly targeting US members of congress with influence campaigns. Congressman Thomas Massie was the most recent target.
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Why are there ((((ADL)))) representatives at meetings of law enforcement COPS ? You know why.
Jonathan Greeblatt the head of the ADL said in a recent interview that the ADL has a TikTok problem as they don't want young Americans seeing for themselves what is actually going on between Israel and Syria-Palestine. That is what Greenblatt meant when he said ((((THEY)))) have a "TikTok" problem, they don't want the younger American generations to be against Israel.
I don't trust politicians at all and the American people ought to be more critical of all if them comprehensively.
No one is more Pro Hamas than Israel itself. Hamas is just what ((((THEY)))) need to justify any and all atrocities ((((THEY)))) commit. If you think that statement is cynical you're dangerously naive to what goes on in the world today.
I disagree with MIA when she says if you're (a politician? bought and paid for by the Israel lobbies, you need to get primaried, implying that solving a political problem with politics is the solution. She's wrong. Political problems such as treason should be dealt with firing squads.