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Boomers and other commentary

Published on 05 Nov 2020 / In Film & Animation

⁣This is my second video that I did impromptu right after my morning jog.
It focuses mainly on my gripes about the majority of the Boomer

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

The reason we have inflation is due to the dysfunction of our monetary system. . we have to borrow more and more.. then pay more and more.. throw a bunch of crash and failure in there.. so the producers can be robbed.. and kept poor..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

Our monetary system is a bank credit system.. and where they create impossible debt by creating money as interest bearing debt..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

@BlackpillRevolution: They also build a robust economy on continuous lending and stable interest rates.. Then they cut off the lending and remove the money through debt repayment.. That is how they make everybody into needy paupers.. a now you see it now you don't money system. .

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

We pay 15% social security tax.. even minimum wage earners pay that.. that is the 7.5% withheld and the employer must match it with money he makes from you.. 15%.. that pays for the welfare as much as retirement.. even pays for foodstamps.. It's a redistribution from worker to wallstreet..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

@BlackpillRevolution: Since you brought it up and if you understand what it means you should elaborate.. re: negative interest rates..

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