Boris said what-! - ?
Published on 30 Dec 2021 / In
Film & Animation
Bonkers Boris now thinks that god and Christ would take the Vax and agree with HIM! Talk about fucking DELUSIONAL with power to destroy freedom on top of that? but there is hope if people stopped being SELFISH? Don't fund these ASSHOLEs rob THEM of their life blood MONEY, by not investing or buying asny of the Crap they produce. Also a Happy new Year to all you guy's, that is if HAPPY is even relivent from now on? I guess it wont ever be a prosperous one ever asgain for udss PLEB's, not whist we have an INSANE leader?
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Boris small Johnson has direct contact with the anti-Jesus with horns and fire in the background!
boris cunt johnson better hope that Damocles sword remains a metaphor and doesn't become a literal sword one day