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Bottomless Pit

Published on 15 May 2021 / In Film & Animation

For just $2.00 a day.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

I may sound like a complete BASTARD, but I've never given t charity, well not since I fund it was creamed ff in Admin and backhander's that is. I've had to fight and work to get the few bit's i have, no CUNT ever helped me in times f need so I helped myself. Give them charity and entitlement and like with femon's and feminism we see what happens?

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

The strong survive....

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I really don't want MORE stuff.....
If you have a mallet and a set of chisels, you can carve up SO many things,
If you have a tin of paints, and brushes, you can paint SO many things.
If you have a welder, a grinder, anda hack saw, you can construct so many things...
I mean fuck me, IF you can seriously outstrip the capacity of what you already have, then you have GOOD reasons to upgrade...
But fuck it, so few people really ever do, or if they do, it's kind of actually rare, that you DO need to upgrade.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

With you all the way. i seem to need less and less SHIT every year . much of what I have came our of Dumpster's and I used my brain to fix them and am still using then to this day? Oh i have n debt either paid f everything way back in 2006, don't have cards or any of that crap either?

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@mrghoster: This is a picture of Marjorie Bligh.... I LOVE her very basic kitchen.... SMART old people seem to want, need and use fuck all.

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: https://static.ffx.io/images/$....width_620%2C$height_

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I had to buy a new phone, the cheapest decent one that could carry a 128G memory card. I paid about $250 - and these people that have HUGE amounts of computing power just for doing shit like face book and phone calls... And the latest super computer phones are like what $1300 - $1500 - and they ARE superb pieces of machinery... The optics, the processors, the batteries, etc... Fucking INCREDIBLE... But taking photos of my cat/s - Why do I need a microscopic camera that takes 20 Meg pictures, when a much lower spec camera doesn't seem to be noticeably worse. I mean I am not taking the said pictures and projecting them up onto a flawless 20 meter high screen by 50 meters wide.... And this insatiable need for MORE, MORE, MORE.... The cure for this is do MORE, MORE, MORE, with what you already have.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

Its all about the newest model, same as films, its all about the hype about it, until it comes out and its crap. You smart phone is no good without the latest upgrades. It just creating a false economy

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@SoloManZone: And the lusture wears off real fast with the "latest and greatest" bullshit.... The modern phone is not just a phone... AND the bottom dollar ones, with a phone company plan, from the cabinet in the super markets, that have OK to somewhat shit cameras, processors, processing speeds, RAM or the lack of, and the minimal amount of memory and TINY screens... They ARE OK as far as phones go... but they are just SO fucking slow and have fuck all battery life etc... They are horrible.... But in getting the lastest and greatest, well just for the brag factor and impressing the friends, most people "Oh Wow! Yeah.... Another phone." It's like desk top computers, UNLESS you have the need for a HUGE amount of processing power and RAM and graphics cards etc., the ordinary office work / internet PC can be comparatively LAME and still be a great computer. Buying a GOOD second hand one from a computer recyclers is the best thing ever... The ONLY reason I ever needed to upgrade was that I was producing documents that were 250 - 500 pages long and there are LIMITS to what a cheapest of the cheap m,other board, ram and CPU can process... That or the old mother board just took a shit.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I'm just made a video will be on very soon might mention the state of tech these days

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@SoloManZone: Yes the old, "I'd LIKE / LOVE to have one, but I don't NEED to have one". This perspective cures a LOT of this mental deprivation cancer.

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: E.g. My single induction cooker, and my cheapy OLD toaster oven, and my single small microwave, which is probably $180 NEW all up - it's the cheapest of the basic stuff when new, and they are fabulous.... And when you think about it, "It's pretty fucking good actually." So why do I want to spend up on a $10,000 or even wayyyyyyy more, super duper creative kitchen?

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: If it aint broke don't fix it

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@SoloManZone: There is a picture of Majorie Bligh in her kitchen.... I love this photo and the simplicity of the whole set up. https://static.ffx.io/images/$....width_620%2C$height_

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@SoloManZone: Keeping the cooking gear in working order, costs about $50 every 5 years.... If it takes a microprocessor type shit.... go buy another one = $50. https://www.kmart.com.au/produ....ct/induction-cooker- 2 of these - one in the car and one spare. https://www.bigw.com.au/produc....t/campmaster-single- Something like this as an oven - but about 30 years old.... https://www.kmart.com.au/produ....ct/28-litre-oven/248 and the cheapest of the small microwaves = $48

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Its 4:30pm in that kitchen

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Don't need no bells and whistles just something that does the job

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Mr_Awesomeness 4 years ago

The way I see it, even if they money went directly to helping build water supply and indeed it was fixed - it will still be a bottomless pit. There is a saying that goes "You cannot adopt every stray dog off the street" there are simply too many. There are too many villages and people out there in need, the way I see it, if you want to help, do it with your own two hands and not your wallet. At the very least you won't have any doubt about where your efforts go, and at most, you'd be doing more than any financial charity out there because you are doing the real work.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 4 years ago

Agreed. Most people give money to suppress their guilt

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@SoloManZone: I wanted to give money to suppress my shame about Jesus and his 12 boyfriends not turning up to love me and my man pussy.

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