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Branch COVIDian Cult

Published on 30 Oct 2020 / In News & Politics

The new one world religion is the mask wearing COVIDian cult!

In the facemask lies your salvation!!

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KEEPER 4 years ago

i just got an alert on my phone stating the MAJOR NEXT COVID nonsense, it's probably someone freaking out because most ppl are going to vote in person this year. and republicans don't give much of a fuck about masks.

the ppl who panic is funny to watch. it sucks how much power the lunatics have though.

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Chad_Hart 4 years ago

I went into a gas station last week wearing no mask & a maga hat. Despite the fact the cashier was behind plastic she would step back as far as she could until forced to come to register for change. Thats a dedicated covidian member!!

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Chad Hart: like i find it funny. but i also find it to be rather sad because most of these ppl are not willing to see the reality of just how overblown this thing is. i mean i still laugh and make fun of the ppl who are wearing a mask in their car while driving alone and demand others wear a mask, but i feel sorry for the dude who puts the mask on following these stupid draconian rules and passes out due to his oxygen being reduced to the point of him passing out in the first place. ignorance breeds stupidity like they say.

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Chad_Hart 4 years ago

@Sentient_Of_Truth: the epitome of a useful idiot are people who wear masks in a car when they're the only ones in it. Dont wanna spread an a-symptomatic disease to yourself. I honestly dont care what others believe but when they attempt to force their beliefs on me is when i have the problem. I can totally see move covidian cult satire vids in the future

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Chad_Hart 4 years ago


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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Metal_X: what does TFM always a suggest in these situations. Create a no-go Zone and they will fuck off. Of course you got to have your numbers up in order to do something like that

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Metal_X: they are trying to convince that the earth is overpopulated. but what's really going on there is to many ppl live in the city not enough ppl living out in the vast spaces that are found all around the USA landmass and the same thing anywhere in the world. there is so much fucking land on this planet that we humans don't occupy it's insane that the popular belief is that we are overpopulated. TFM has talked about this as well within his older streams that i'm in the middle of uploading at the moment. there are so many to go through, it's crazy. but yeah if you were to gather every human on earth ON EARTH i say! they would all be able to fit in the USA comfortably, because we are not overpopulated as the mainstream says we are. but it's because we don't use these spaces and we don't occupy these spaces is why if often feels overpopulated. like idk if you have traveled between states or not. but there is a fuck ton of empty land that ppl could live in, but for whatever reason we just don't.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

billions of unused miles all around the earth.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

this map is not the perfect representation of population. but it's good enough for what it shows. all the black space is mostly open unused landmasses. and the yellow is occupied but there's still plenty of room in these areas. https://assets.weforum.org/edi....tor/I8HP15sFXwX0zrU-

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KEEPER 4 years ago

It's more like the new world order.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

But you're title was a creative name none the less.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Metal_X: exploration advancement in tech maybe discovering better resources? maybe discovering a little something more perhaps... but i find it funny Elon is appealing to the strong independent women, because they will likely walk away once a mission kills some women. and at that point he will make robots or men do it.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

@Metal_X: allegedly there is nothing there. that's what NASA has said for decades. but they have been known to lie about stuff. but then again they could be correct. it's hard to say really.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

Well said!

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