
Brave men do brave things.

95 Просмотры
Опубликован в 04 May 2023 / В Домашние животные

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 лет тому назад  

Stupid bitch can't even take care of her dog on the leash.

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GenerationLESS 2 лет тому назад

Then the next step would be to throw her in the drink and walk off.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 лет тому назад

@GenerationLESS: and take the dog off her hands forever.

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bigintol03 2 лет тому назад

@GenerationLESS: Wrap the leash around her neck first!

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 лет тому назад

@bigintol03: kind of extreme, but why not?

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bigintol03 2 лет тому назад

@The Man Inside: >:)

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Mustang 2 лет тому назад

No 304's helped. SMH.

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WMHarrison94 2 лет тому назад

Damn! Toxic masculinity, am I right! LOL! Seems like basic problem solving to me!...Oh, those bigots! They should have sat there and gave themselves a circle jerk until the fire department showed up and shared their feelings! LOL! And these whores today think they can replace us!?

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_Natas_ 2 лет тому назад

Yeah let's just crawl into a shit filled canal with who the fuck knows what floating around in there just to "rescue" some retarded man made mutant that eats its own shit, is unpredictable, bites people, especially young children, keeps you up at night with incessant barking... dog nutters are truly fucking retarded just like the same mutts they worship. Let's not confuse bravery with stupidity because that's all there is in this video.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 лет тому назад

Thank you for your comment. Your teachings are deeply appreciated.

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WMHarrison94 2 лет тому назад

Sorry bro. Guess bitvhescabd dogs are in our nature...or as companions!

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 лет тому назад

@WMHarrison94: some people carry traumatic experiences from childhood all their lives. It's up to them to get over those traumas or not. Not everyone has the same life experience, and apparently we who like animals are "truly fucking retarded"... Can you imagine getting triggered by a video like this? I can't.

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TelepathicRapist 2 лет тому назад

I like dogs to an extent but dogs get better treatment then humans at this point in the United states. It's getting out of hand. They serve "pupachino" at Starbucks now so women can get a drink for their dog. There are restaurants with dog menus now. People are throwing legit birthday parties for their dogs. There are more registered dogs in san francisco then children. There are dogs in the west that have better lives then people in the third world. Dogs were not required to get vaccinated despite being a vector for the c19. Dogs are a more successful species then humans at this point. People are going to jail for long periods of time for harming dogs, more than if they are a pedophile. It's getting out of hand. A woman was just arrested for posting online about her sexual relationship with her dog. A dog had monkeypox from its gay owners having sexual relations with it. People sleep in their bed with their dogs on a daily basis. I had pet dogs in the past but they have their own dog bed. These dogs are destroying humanity at this point. There are basically 7 likely childless adult men placing all their efforts into saving a dog. I mean. It's pretty crazy. I would just have called animal control

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 2 лет тому назад

@TelepathicRapist: I have to say some of the things you said, dog menu for example, I wasn't aware. No argument that is ridiculous. I had people telling me their dogs eat at the table with them... I find that disgusting. I too have a dog, I treat him well, but it's a dog. Has his own food bowl, his own bed, not treated like a child, because it is NOT a child. You should know you can't trust anything related to the government. You rely on animal control to rescue a dog, you also expect the police to rescue you... You are setting yourself for pain.

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