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Brazilian AMAZON University


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Published on 26 Nov 2021 / In Film & Animation

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Think or Die
Think or Die 3 years ago

Damn. Just Damn

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hurgfer 3 years ago

Depois que fizeram os cabeças fracas acreditarem que os humanos não tem sexo definido, virou nisso!

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Lestat_Cowalski 3 years ago

"ação social". Entendi. PUTARIA, só isto.

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

man. I feel like I need a shot of penicillin after watching this trash. Is there any straight people left at this school? This may be the next Sodom if these degenerates aren't careful. I mean these people are screwed, they got hit with a full dose of globohomo, they need to test the water in that location and establish an hiv treatment clinic quick.

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Nikaido 3 years ago

Man if there are straight men in Brazilian colleges who are socialists I think there are few, because these people become militant when they enter colleges, and men are attacked in colleges as well as in America, in Brazil the cultural gramscism is very strong, if you saw the things that happen in Brazil, what you see there in America, a lot is small fish, that's why I started to share some things, Marxism dominates the minds here, schizophrenia is so high that socialists sometimes attack each other , and 65% worldwide have herpes man, human madness has no limits, I'll leave the link to some videos I posted, in case you want to see

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Nikaido 3 years ago

I'm producing a video where I put all this militant socialist bizarreness, maybe this weekend I'll put it

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Nikaido: there are sociologists that have termed the future as the "brazilification" of america, in that, america is headed in the direction of brazil, a high crime, low trust society with severe income inequality. I am waiting to see signs of american favelas before I am 100 percent certain they are right, but right now we have a major homeless problem in most major US cities so maybe this is the beginning stage of favelas. There are some Brazilians who I have met in the city close to where I live, one guy is an owner of an auto shop, but his family is christian and he says back home they own a farm. He used to be a pilot too. So I know there are good Brazilians out there but they probably arent from the city. Even the ones I speak to hear tell stories about how bad it is there, its like being robbed is a normal part of life there.

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Nikaido: so I think it is kinda like the US in a sense, where the city is a cesspool of liberal hell and the people in the countryside are good people.

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Nikaido 3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: Look, I believe these sociologists are right, because Brazil was the perfect model of Gramsci Marxism, the Brazilian military handed over power in the 1980s, and after that Brazil became contaminated with Marxism, because Brazilian intellectuals drank from the source of Gramsci ,and through soap operas on a large radio station here in Brazil, they did neurolinguistic programming, and this was shaping Brazilian society. living in the countryside, inland cities is easier to find trustworthy people, and even without malice, yes and that the bases of brazil are socialist, and journalism tends to be sensationalist and gynocentric, so people watch the newspaper on tv and get used to it Here we are robbed by politicians, women, bandits, there is every law that if you put it in parallel resembles slavery, except that promiscuity is gigantic, I may be wrong, but it is We are reaching a time where out of 10 women, 7 have already participated in orgies (SORRY MY ENGLISH - GOOGLE translate)

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Nikaido: your english is rather good and easy to understand. Its sad what you describe about how people behave in this sick world.

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Nikaido 3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I'm glad you can understand, yes man is very sad, I research it myself, I saw dark things, and people are plunged into the shadows, people have lost their sense of reality, it looks like a movie called IDIOCRACY, for example the Your nickname reminded me of a case here in Brazil, where the woman was at the police station, accusing a man of psychological rape, and the inquiry was opened, documentaries help to see a lot too, if you want to see it, there is a documentary called THE CENTURY OF THE SELF,in the third episode you see why america is like this nowadays. So you will understand a lot, you don't need to use a weapon, just manipulate your mind, just like women, media, religion, politicians, here in Brazil, for anything, men can be arrested, there are more than 1000 projects just for women, for sure all will become law, then eventually the world will have civil war, and the best thing is to save money, for the difficult times that have come, and have a house in the countryside to plant, which gives me insight in this world, not to embark on this madness, is to look for Christ, where he made me see the things that almost no one sees, there are few but there are studious people, who talk about the Bible without ideological bias, and the new world order, Marxism and its tentacles.

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Nikaido: I am familiar with the movie idiocracy, its was supposed to be funny, but now it seems like it was non fictional movie about the future. I watched the century of the self long ago and it was one of my original black pills. Adam Curtis makes amazing documentaries. At least know you have a friend here that thinks and feels the same as you do.

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Bagoodman 3 years ago

Is this that Island where they sent all the gay people to party and Breed out ? WTF

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