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Published on 10 Oct 2024 / In News & Politics

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Is the economy the October surprise that will hurt the Democrats this election? They keep saying the economy is better but the numbers don't show it. Inflation and core prices are up again and when you couple that with hurricanes and war, it doesn't look good for the incumbents.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Bro... that's the Fags er FBI fags' playbook. Groom white kid, give him guns, send the newly fucked faggot to shoot up theaters, schools, at Trump, etc. Arrest or shoot him dead. Proclaim yourself heroes.

Oh yeah, swap out newly groomed fag white shooter with Ukranian soldier, burn body before ID can be made or DNA taken... damn Local cops and Sheriffs interrupted their playbook er plan. And I thought initially they burned the body to hide the evifence of torture or fag grooming...Now, DeSantis has kept their Ukranian failed golf shooter refusing to cooperate with faggy FBI... oh yeah. They made.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

The underinflated numbers are not accidentally they're by design... "We never have recessions or depressions under a Demorat." Bull Shitttttt! They never admit it until a Republican is in power... Now, they've been pishing for the collapse assuming they we ould be in power, but Democrat turned Independent and now America First Republican Donald Trump vutch slapped them and became president in 2016. Then fearful of loosing their power even though they actively pushed to destroy America and the West the EU, they cheated so bad and so much to Steal 2020 and then tried to hard to censor it illegally and Unconstitutionally. One can not deny they cheated and they still cheating now with two or three assassination attempts... allowing Trump to surpass both JF Kennedy and Ronald Reagan...
Oh yeah... they brought it and now, acts of God El or perhaps laser guided hurricanes are taken out Red voters and destroying Asheville, NC so they can steal the land by imminent domain to mine the lithium deposits there... Oh yeah. The Hurricanes are showing their Incompetence and FEMA is demonstrating their goal to kill White Americans and Red voters by denying the sending aid, water, and Elon's Starlink ..not to mention taking up hotel rooms so displaced citizens can't rent there now. Oh yeah..
Fucking Incompetence. They sent electric tools including chainsaws to Asheville with no charged batteries to a place without power and clean water... now, fake aliens? Aliensvaren't fske... there's millions of them including Haitians eating the cats, ducks, and swans and apparently a kid or two too.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Russia only said they wanted their fresh water ports in Ukraine. The CIA and Ulranian NeoNAZIs have instigated their money laundering war...

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