BREAKING- ULEZ Spy Vans COME UNDER ATTACK After UK Government Scrambles As 584 Cameras Smashed!!!
Published on 17 Sep 2023 / In
Film & Animation
584 Cameras Smashed by BLADE RUNNERS!!!!
Mirror from ":" Tim Truth
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Maybe if white people still ruled England.....
good, now maybe they should start making guns again to protect themselves from their slavers...
I hope that little brown paki gets booted out of office in the next election. It is an insult to the country to have him as mayor of London.
Here apparently is the latest PAKI muslin threat from RICHSHIT Sunak. apparently if you don't have the right bioler in your house or fail to upgrade you will get a 10k fine and a year in prison. you wont be able to heat your home unless it is with some expensive corporate installment that has to meed NET ZERO standards. I've been touring the charity shop's and buying up lot's of secondhand warm winter cloth's. that is how I keep warm in the winter and NOTY line the pocket's of energy companies and their shareholding thieves. Humans have become to soft. I was born shortly after WW"2 and austerity has always been a life long thing for me to follow. I was born in a period where most big towns and cities had "Pea Soupers", this was toxic GREEN fog hence the name. Yet here I am at almost 68 years old, in good health and appearance. Air has never been so clean, car and motorcycle's are so lean burning today that the spark plugs are WHITE on the end with no residue falling of them. everything going on today is to do with getting rid of use or as many of us as possible, I guess they are working 0on the basis of "Suicide's" by those that cant take the pressure? Well load it on I'm never gonna stop fighting them. If I lived through as a BABY the "SMOG" or Pea souper's as they were nick named I totally kknow this Climate thing is total BULLSHIT! the only way they will stop or get rid of me is a bullet in the back of my head at my front door, I better be careful what I wish for! lol! And only then I will win over them. Either there is something after death and a brand NEW adventure starts, or if there is NOTHING? Well WTF I ain't gonna know about it! lol! In my mind I get the feeling I have been here or somewhere before and DEATH doesn't phase me one little bit, in fact a LACK of FEAR is allowing me to live the great adventure against this tyranny. Peace Gent's,
Find a Ulez Van and spray the inhuman driver of that van with ACID or Bleach, that will get these fuckers off the road over night, Use the fear they lay on us against THEM, and I don't want to hear all this bullshit about hurting humans. If a so called human can do this driving against it's own kind then they are the enemy collateral damage or call it what you like. but i would love to see Khan get a bullet in the back of the head on some rainy dark night! lol! As a Law Abiding Citizen (never had a parking ticket), finds that even I have to bend the rules now in life to just live normally, bending rules and Law has become a daily survival skill and I've done nothing to deserve this.