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BREAKING VIDEO: Klaus Schwab Claims Globalist Minions Will Live Forever

Published on 04 Jul 2024 / In Entertainment

BREAKING VIDEO: Klaus Schwab Claims Globalist Minions Will Live Forever

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SolidSnake33 1 day ago

Klaus Schwab is a piece of shit megalomaniacal boomer.

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WMHarrison94 3 days ago

So, they want to be Sand People? Made out of silicon connected by sunlight? Damn... Lucas via Anakin Skywalker was right about Sand People.

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WMHarrison94 3 days ago

Well, yeah they want the longer life because they will die and go to hell for all eternity. So, yeah, I would be working on extending my life too if I sold my soul like them...Good thing the Gods sent me back... Now, I'm beginning to SEE why!

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Never_Again 3 days ago

Forget which episode but it did include this guy that was inside the machine already, Mulder & Scully found the hardware in that plain ass concrete NY City building then after a scuffle it was cut out & taken.

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