
Published on 25 Sep 2021 / In Film & Animation

Break free

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Since covid I've been wearing thumbnail body cams and an Audio recorder when going out. Mainly originally to monitor Police and interactions in store's, but boy don't you pick up some weird and funny reaction's mainly not surprisingly from the femon's? In the stores NOW and outside in the fresh air, it is nearly ALL femon's that still wear a mask! lol! At least it cover's their ugly faces and muffles the bull crap they often vomit out! lol!

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Fail to produce or create anything then you end up with nothing? I'm pretty sure there are MEN in backrooms individually creating wonder's, but it all fall's apart when they get the money greed thing and want to be famous? Then they get screwed over by a femon or a government and end up with nothing?

Myself I've developed many idea's but I don't right it down and keep it in my head, and I only use my work for MYSELF. My water powered Motorbike engine is coming on but not perfect yet, but I discovered how to remove Ethanol or (the corn) from petrol so I can now use Ethanol free petrol for my moped. Easy process as well? Maybe I can add that ethanol to my water engine, that's my project for this winter. mind you if it works no fucker is ever going to know because it will like other things go to the grave with Me! lol! Yep I've been tweaking all sorts of things to improve them and SAVING plenty in the process as I'm now retired

As you said in another video, MEN are the Swiss Army Knife of Humanity. Femon's can only dream of creating what we can create, femon's are only expert's in destruction, and that takes little effort, basically selfishness and usury! lol! This instantly makes them reliant on the very MEN they despise, but now the numbers of MEN not wishing to partake in this Usury, the femon is slowly becoming "FUCKED"? I refuse to help and even talk to femon's If I don't need to. I certainly wouldn't waste my Urine on one if it was on fire. that's the truth as to how i feel about them these day's.

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tekrat 3 years ago

back in the day femons hated games and comic books and cartoons...i miss those days.

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hqwebsite 3 years ago

So the government is thinking of using femon as a bodycam mule? A walking sentry drone? Now I have to wear WiFi/Bluetooth jammers where ever I go.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 years ago

Human robots

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kaluz55 3 years ago

'Wokeness is like a plague and the femons are the carriers.'

Well said.

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