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Britain slumps into recession

Published on 17 Feb 2024 / In Film & Animation

I'm English, born here, white, worked my bollocks off all my life , For WHAT? I'm finished with the UK, I cant afford to move out of here, so I simply have abandoned it, the law's are corrupt and the system is so broken I surtvive quite well on using the system that used me. Ther Police are non existant on the streets relying on camera's they never seem to respond tio anyways? I'm making up a few sets of numberplates to fit randomy to my vehicles and change daily to confuse the camera's. I've done it before some years ago when money was tight and never got stopped. now there are "NO" police on the streets it will be easier, I live in an Urban to rural setting as well so I take routes where there are NO camera's. LOL!

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bigintol03 11 months ago

What a shame, England was such a great country with a rich and fascinating history!

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bigintol03 11 months ago

I guarantee you, it's the fucking kikes behind every last bit of this subversion!!!

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mrghoster 11 months ago

Britains Glory remains in the past, and I'm not talking that Coommonwealth golbalist shit eitherlike "The Empire" that's all violent crap that WE today that are Engish are suffering for. I'm talking everyday people, the masses that even then were used and lived in quarreler Top give the rich it ALL. Notghing changes does it? These quaint villages and farm yards for example, they were places of tiol not pleasure and releif like today. Iron Bridge Gorge in Shropshire is a case. now it's a tourist attraction with tea rooms and museums. In the day it was making IRON and was know an "HELL" because it was fior those that pushed out stuff for the Empire. The country cottages and pretty back to bacl red brick terraces we see today were one HOVEL's the English lived in. with little food, eviction if you got injured and couldn't work and much more. It's not Surprising they say BRITAIN is the most bHAUNTED nation on Earth, there must be millions of lost sould still wandering around that cant rest in any form of PEACE? And for what? Money and wealth of the few, nothing changes does it? But the day eventually does come when a little dignity and revenge can be clawed back, and that day WILL come!

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Councilof1 11 months ago

Uh I would say it began in early 2020. Although the West was financially doomed back in 2008 with the bank bailouts. There's just been a really long delay between cause and effect. Many people don't notice because we have very short life spans and expect everything to happen quickly. There's a reason people at the top make fifty to one hundred year plans. Everyone is playing checkers and they're playing chess.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 11 months ago

Britain has been a third world country for many years and is only getting worse

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