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Published on 25 Jan 2025 / In Film & Animation

A collection of TV and NEWS clips on some of britains worst train disasters,. Much of the footage has never been seen since the news article was originally shown. With narration and intervies at the time.

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The Rolling Creations - Magnificent.

The Bad Crashes - Jesus Fuck.

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mrghoster 1 month ago

It's one of my favorite video's not for any morbid reason but because it shows the reality of life more than anything, plus the great quality, like that 1916 clip.

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@mrghoster: People just rip open, get cut up and torn apart like a roast chicken at a pig farm.... There are a lot of people who attend these crash scenes with all the mashed and ripped up bodies - who are never right again after seeing all the dead in these conditions...... There was the Granville rail disaster and some other tourist coach that had a sort of partial head on with an oncoming truck and everyone on one side of the bus was just ripped open and torn to bits. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/....Granville_rail_disas --------- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grafton_bus_crash ----------------- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kempsey_bus_crash

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mrghoster 1 month ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I think I posted the TV Movie "Day of the Roses" which covered the Granville don't know if you caught it? well worth a watch. Had not heard of the bus crashes as not all is reported in the UK, mind you we get our far share of them over the years. I still think buses and trains are a very safe way to travel in general though?

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@mrghoster: The bus to truck crash - I remember the interviews with the rescue personel and others assisting... This is an old memory - kind of vauge now.... They, meaning quite a number of them, were to assorted degrees, traumatised by the bodies ripped apart into bits and smashed up etc.

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@mrghoster: And um "Statistics Mr Ghoster, Statistics". --- The tabulation of the number of passengers, the amount of distance covered, and the amounts of minor, major and fatal crashes and injuries. How these definitions are arrived at is a seperate matter - from alive or dead... to missing a finger or two or a broken nose to being crippled and in a wheel chair etc...

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These systems are very very ingenious - sort of like scumbag thieves are working out how to thieve and break and enter and pick locks.... where as all these smart people are designing the same things, but for good reasons and to prevent disasters, deaths and damage..... Lock Creation - It's very clever - and to put in as much effort to see where things can go wrong and to design the problems and oversights out - this is very exciting.

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