Brittany broke him
Published on 16 Aug 2024 / In
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Women HAVE NO RIGHT to go somewhere and not get approached by people. I don't give a FUCKING SHIT how long this rude bitch prepared her whorish, used-up ass for the world so that they wouldn't see the creature for what it was.
The question of whether this man should've just saved up to go to a brothel instead is an entirely different one. That man is better than that type of rude treatment. To be empathetic though, I remember how out-of-control my sex-drive was when I was in my 20s too.
Rehabroom you are the most honest guy I know. Do you think you can do a take on this lying fucking cuck?
Being a virgin is like dropping a nuke on your SMV. I'm not sure even a chadlite can survive that. People who say it doesn't matter are beyond delusional. Women are interested in taking men away from other women, they're not interested in discovering hidden gems. This is why men report getting a ton of female attention once they get married. It's the ring, it means she'd be taking him away from another woman.
Yoooo Amr cameo!
Asmongold is on the money. It's not just looks, either. If you're ethnic, this is also what racism looks like. It's illegal to shout racial slurs at you or admit they're treating you unfairly because of your race. But that just means they won't admit it. They will still treat you unfairly, they will still try to take everything in a negative direction, they just have a bunch of rehearsed excuses in case they get called on it.
For this reason, I don't think it's bad to be a threat. You just have to give up the PUA scam. Build muscle, stack money, geomax. The western dating environment is unnatural. Stop trying to succeed in it, it's like trying to hold your breath underwater. There is nothing wrong with you that you have to come up for air. You're just in the wrong place.
She came after me first