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Broke Girls are Trying to Ban Men Going Their Own Way

Published on 30 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs

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CobaltSteel 2 days ago

Dream on Bitches!

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mrghoster 2 days ago

The further women push us (in their weak mind's), BACK the deeper underground and less reliant MEN have and will continue to be regarding women. Women are WEAK and Childish, pathetic, MEN are creative innovative, logical and rational. Now that MEN have seen the REAL women and it's shitty attitude WE have realized that regardless of all we did or create for them they have thrown back in our faces, and the result we see is a society and economy that is failing DUE to women, because although blamed for just about everything MEN have very little say in society, in fact in my opinion WE don't want to do anything for a GYMOCENTRIC MATRIARCHAL: society that is harsh and uncaring and lacks any Empathy, hubris, understanding and certainly any ability to LOVE even, funny how since women got the so called EQUALITY and far more all those things have disappeared where women are concerned to such a point where they (women) have on their own destroyed the art of PAIR BONDING, this is why MEN don't approach or give women the time of day, it's NOT MEN that are the problem but WOMEN. I myself are at a point where I don't, help, talk to, or would even PISS on a women if it was on fire. I've given up, well not given up that suggests I still give a shit, which i don't All I want and enjoy is seeing fefails FAIL and deride themselves in some stupid Pathetic way, now that I do enjoy! lol!

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mrghoster 2 days ago

The only thing left I have to offer women in abundance is my TOTAL "CONTEMPT", outside of that I have total indifference and non involvement with pussy at all! I no longer give a shit if women don't want to offer MEN anything, they haven't for years anyways, yet the complain when they break down at the roadside or cant lift a box that MEN don't help them, fuck I haven't helpt a women for well over a decade now, past many of them on the raod but I just don't feel any need to stop and risk myself at all anymore! I do wave and make sure they see my smile as I pass by though! lol!

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mrghoster 2 days ago

I'm afraid lady's going PASTEL and Feminine is far to late now because you already destroyed it, just another load of BULLCRAP, REAL MEN are no longer falling for, You destroyed femininity along with all those othe BRIDGES you burned connecting you to MALES. How are you lady's gonna dispose of that SHIOTTY ATTITUDE over night to become FEMININE? answer me that? a pretty pastel dress and fluttering your eye lashes doesn't work anymore becuae you CUNT's stopped making it work. The only MALE's you will delude into your game are SIMPS ans CUCK's which already are being treated like crap by you anyways because these MALES have no BALL's to stand against YOUR feminist BULLCRAP! lol! REAL MEN are REAL and MASCULINE and we don't need pathetic CUNTs like you anymore as we are already THRIVING in many ways without the need of your oppression or validation, so GO FUCK YA SELVES! lol!

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mrghoster 2 days ago

MGTOWE is NOPT a movement as women seem to think? It has no higharche so who do they expect to go after to BAN it! lol! MGTOW is a Philosophy or a MALE Lifestyle choice anyway and seeing as we are supposed to be living in a democracy how to they intend to put such nonsense into play! lol! As a MGTOW I no longer feel any need to go out even mentioning I'm MGTOW to anyone as it's non of their business. Women's current failures are not due to MEN at all, it is due to fefail ineptitude and delusion, so they have to blame some one for that, anyone but the real culprits (namely women themselves)! lol! women as usual are just being pathetic children. How do they intend to MAKLE MAN do the fefail bidding? well we know as usual with illogical and vindictive attitudes and demand's! lol! But MEN have already walked so if they were EVER able to BAN MGTOW or namely MEN thinking for themselves, how do they intend to do this? LOL! MEN have NO obligation to women, we cant be told what to do by women, and finally women are NOT worth doing anything for anyways due to bullshit like "BAN MGTOW"! LMAO!

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WMHarrison94 1 day ago

I disagree. Women are good for us to laugh at. Okay, we in an accord now.

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