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Broken EVs Head Straight to Junkyards As Repair Costs Are Unbearable!

Published on 08 May 2024 / In Film & Animation

More info on one of my pet hates - EV's.

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bigintol03 9 months ago

EV'S are a fucking JOKE!

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Good let the. Burn in hell they suck

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There was something fundamentally nice about cars that had 3 liter straight 6's, you could see the road underneath the engine, on both sides of the engine, the windows went up and down by hand, and the street directory was a book on the passenger seat...

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And if you were lucky / unlucky - you had an AM radio with two knobs... on / off - volume and change channel.... Woooooo and it had a heater....

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mrghoster 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Those were the day's I didn't even bother with a Radio half the time, and the ICE is THE MUSIC.

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mrghoster 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Nice. when you opened up the Bonnet/Hood you saw it all. even modern ICE's have to have a FAKE plastic cover to make it look overly complicated or butch! lol! Thre most electronic part was probaly the spark plug's and you plugged in Common Sense and not a fucking yellow box to sort out or fix something! lol! when I was a little kid I used to stand on the "CHROME" bumper of Dad's car on a Sunday morning and help or at least watch him do the weekily checks. I learned a lot od what I know now from that. IO left school and went into Auto engineering, Parts Department first though for a large BMC outlet in my town. At the age of 13 my dad sent me intro town on the bus with some money to get a new clutch set for his Vauxhall Viva HB, Yep all by myself and boy did I feel grown up. great day's.

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@mrghoster: These had simple ignition and fuel systems, the electrics were all basic... Everything was accessable and fixable... Now they are impossible... Like why do the fucking engine bays HAVE to be FULL of shit... the cars are not any bigger, the engines are not any bigger, Whinge, whinge, Whinge - a pissy malcontent old man....... But it's true.

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mrghoster 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: The only thing I usually saw in a car with two KNOB's in it was the local Police! lol! i used to go down the local car auctions and buy complete crates that I liked to play around with and fix, then drive around in them with no full license or anything! lol! I mean you could get a car at the auction for about £10, what's that $20 bucks? in Aussie? my first one was an Ex Post Office Morris Minor Van. i have to admit even today I still prefer the Bikes though.

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@mrghoster: Yes I eat my meals out of pots.... Just finished up a BIG pot of mince, onions, pumpkin, and some thing or other else.... and a few slices of heavily buttered bread.... A very NICE meal on a cold night.

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@mrghoster: Nice cars them..... I liked the English cars - they were functional and frugal.

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@mrghoster: And if you took the horse off, it could often roll down hill at a very great rate of knotts.

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mrghoster 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: What do EV's give us? Well fires that cant be put out, Electronic hand or parking brakes that fail (a lot) from what I've heard, Reversing sensor's that fuck wits can still run into a car when backing up. tire preasure Sensor's I use a fucking tire pump and a gauge still. the modern car tells you a lot about the keeper, I say keeper because in the UK you pay for but NEVER own you vehicle. Most of these CUNTs car's inside look like an untidy back bedroom so I guess that's how they live as well? women have the dash covered in furry toy's and shit like that as well and on a sunny day with reflections I doubt they can see fuck all except the fluffy pink elephants facer staring back at the CUNT! lol! and not that parked Bus they are about to run into the back of., NMaturally being women the bus will be at fault every time! lol! EV's are built for LAZY Fefail CUNT's the dumbest and weakest species of the Hu "MAN" Race. the wqord MAN is in it for a reason!

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@mrghoster: What are the furriy toys on their dashboards like? Are they cute? What colours do they come in? and where can I get some?

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mrghoster 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: LOL! Usually PINK I guess? which in itself is ironic and actually the color was stolen from MEN by fefails in the late 18 hundred's PINK actually was up until then a Masculine Color in the upper crust society. It only became a feminine colour with the /Victorian or late Georgian invention of the rich called CHILDHOOD. Girls wore pretty Bo Peep Pink shit and the Boy's drest in Sailors clobber that was BLUE. It Stuck and it's still with us. I mean whay do women have big pink shit on their dash board when I have some furry big pink shit they can have where their seat belt buckle goes? lol!

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mrghoster 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I have alarge pot I make stew's and stuff in, last about a week, but as you say great with some REAL Bread on a cold evening.

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@mrghoster: This is a really good bread recipie... I am making up some grain rolling mills to flatten and crack the rye grains just so.

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mrghoster 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Diabetic Mate gave up on bread and Carb's a while back. if I do have any bread it's either seeded or whole grain in moderation! Shame I like a good fat sandwich occasionally!

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@mrghoster: It's worth looking into - You can leave the syrup out and it's almost no blood sugar spiking then... Is Pumpernickel healthy? Yes, the starches of real Pumpernickel have undergone so much of a transformation that they are quite easily digested (source: “Bread: A Baker’s Book of Techniques and Recipes” by Jeffrey Hamelman) Whole-grain rye contains nearly 15% fibre Pumpernickel also has a low glycemic index (less likely to increase in your blood sugar level)

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GenerationLESS 9 months ago

Gee, where are all of the software updates and replacement computer chips being manufactured? China? Hey I got a great idea! Let's keep poking them and fucking with them so that none of those items (and more) are available at all!

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I feel so excited.... I..... I almost want to sit on the toilet and have a huge shit.....

Comparing an Internally Combusted Carbon Burning Cars ---- to ------ Rechargable Battery Cars....

Comparing a push lawn mower, to a nuclear reactor.


I had a friend many years ago who said, "The best machine ever invented was the bicycle. Almost nothing ever goes wrong with them, and if it does, it's easy to fix."

Rechargable Battery Vehicles, are technological nightmare fuel.

It's so nice to see the electric car utopia drowning in the shit of it's creators creations.

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mrghoster 9 months ago

You saying about Electric and the Bicycle? Here in the UK you can only have a 250w motor by law and by law againg a top speed of 12 mph, so whats rthe fucking point when I can get on my old Mountain bike and do at least 20 or more MPH just using my leg power and the derailer properly like a gear box in fact. The only operating problem you may get with the bike is when you are trying to ride it with a pint or two to many insoiide you! lol! Nah even electric bikes are total SHITE and a waste of money, they always want to trap you in tech, it's a fucking con. I wonder if your EV bike was to fall over if it would be a right off like an EV car after the impact of a fly hitting the windscreen? Electric isn't the way to go, never will be This Net Zero and so called Green agenda is a Complete money making Con. I remeber when I was a Kid we had these things called TROLLEY BUSES, and they were electric and fucking brilliant, by the Mid 1970's they were ALL gone and you can only ride one in a Museul in Norfolk UK now. Britain is well known for taking brilliant ideas, building them and then five minutes later destroying it all with lack of long term investment, thus provingh everything is purely about the Buck andf GREED. If these CUNT's want ICE's gone where and what the Fuck are they gonna do with them all? If it becomes an illegal vehicle to have then YOU have no r4esponsibility to what happens to it? There will be hundreds of millions of them cluttering the countryside and cities, they are already doing it with EV's in China and large grave yards of Teslas in american that had nothing more than aq bump with a curb! lol!

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