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Bullet that hit the hydraulic pipe on a forklift holding up PA speakers (Not Trump)

Published on 17 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Leader_Desslok 2 months ago

this video is bullshit ! Shane you should know better ! Oh i forgot ! Australians can not have guns . if you were an experienced shooter you would know that bullets only travel in one direction . also if they hit a hydraulic line on a forklift the lines are made out of many materials , none of witch are going to cause shrapnel . also the hydraulic cylinders are made out of hardened metals that can not be penetrated by a .223 . so it was a line that was hit . this is just propaganda . whoever made this video just flunked both propaganda 101 AND engineering 101 .

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Leader_Desslok 2 months ago

also if you look closely at this video you can see that the hydraulic fluid is spraying directly behind a speaker stack and BEHIND the stands . NOT into the stands where the people are . this bit of propaganda defied the laws of physics and is an insult to my intelligence !

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@Leader_Desslok: Your so right....

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