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But Stef the Stripper Loves Me! Livestream (Audio)

Published on 02 Jul 2023 / In People & Blogs

Bar culture...

Do women look better at 35 than 25?

Effects of birth control pills on women.

Stef, I was listening to an older podcast of yours where you were saying that you would cut people out of your life if they supported the state. Would this is also apply to people who think that your going to hell when you die? Or am I thinking about this the wrong way? Thank you so very much for your philosophy and please let me know if this is an innacurate representation of your beliefs.

Hey Stef, I have been advocating for my sister to not circumcise her child that is due next week. I've sent emails with tons of evidence of harm, I've tried talking in person. She and her husband seem to not even care. What do I do? I'd happily do a call-in show, this has been destroying me for months now.

Stefan, you just described a coworkers response to whatever "controversial" stuff I say. Yes. Triggered.

Should you threaten your kids?

Stefan, what you are saying is nearly invaluable to me. I've always felt some things are wrong but could not articulate it, let alone identify what it is. But you are allowing me to "see" the world it is and people for who they are. Thank you. I feel like I am in high-orbit now, while most everyone else is playing with rocks on the side of highway of life.

No one I know of on the web or anywhere else, breaks down and distills arguments like you Stef. Thank you brother.

Question, if a mother of an only child calls others their sons or daughters regularly is she openly saying she does not like her only child or that the only child is replaceable? Also the mother would openly talk about how this other will be the one to buy them a house or car in front of her only child. What effects could this have on the only child?

Stef could you do a ‘Jerry Maguire’ movie review with Izzy?

If the child does not stick to the agreement to leave in 10 minutes is it okay so say that you're leaving without them?

Stef I got a woman’s phone number last Saturday night, the next afternoon I tried calling and then I texted her ‘You doing anything tomorrow’. She replied after 6 hours quote: ‘Hey sorry I missed ur call! I got really busy today! I’ll let you know if I get some free time 😊’. Stef where do I currently stand with this woman. To provide background context this woman is a stripper who who wanted to French kiss me because quote ‘she only kisses guys she likes’, I did French kiss her & I enjoyed it.

Hey Stef, whenever I talk about peaceful parenting with people who have children, they always respectfully point out that I don't have children (suggesting that I don't have authority in this manner). Can you give me an argument for this situtaion?


Livestream 2 July 2023

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