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cartoonz - RedKnight

19 / 37

Butters is a Simp

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Published on 25 Feb 2023 / In Film & Animation


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LOL - The compliments come thick and fast when the cash is coming.....

No Cash = No compliments.
Most women are like this...

No Cash - No Gash, No Marriage etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.

I am not a fan of the catholic church - more or less at all....
And the idea of marriage is now truly insane.

But the vows - are kind of good..... Because they lay it down to commit in and stay in, instead of riding the cock carousel, and viewing relationships as transactional and transitional.

Priest: (Name), do you take (name) to be your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and to honor her all the days of your life?

Groom: I do.

Priest: (Name), do you take (name) to be your husband? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and to honor him all the days of your life?

Bride: I do.

I know cathoholics that have been married for like 40, 50, 60 years and yet the fly by night, cock hopping feminist sluts are just SHALLOW thieving, lying, neurotics.

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RedKnight 2 years ago

u speak some truth shane, well im thinking of quitting the internet except for weekends. So I`ll still be around, but only on my steam deck. I just am miserable being "online" all the time, so ive decided to give it my all the quit it all to regain it all. ok bye XD

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@TheRedKnight: Yeah #metoo..... Or at least do the humanising stuff only in the morning when the sun is warming the place up.....

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@TheRedKnight: And the Cathoholics - they have been married like 50 + Years.... they have children in their 50's, their children have children, and they have great grand children.... When they all gather for a family gathering - it's quite a tribal thing. But now the OLDIES they are dying off and going quiet... So there ARE some great things about TRADITIONAL family structures... that you just do not see in the big wide world much any more.

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@TheRedKnight: Oh see you when I see you..... thanks for everything.... this has been a very useful, educational and informative site to participate in - and I hope you have made good use of it and learned a lot.... Things that you can take into the big wide world with you. Cheers. Shane.

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sauger1001 2 years ago

South Park. What else needs to be said, after they spoofed a couple of royals of whom no one seems to show any fondness?

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: "Have you read my new book? It's titled Waaaaaaaa!"

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