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California Democrat Wants To RAISE Minimum Wage To $50 An Hour, She’s CLUELESS About Basic Economics

Published on 18 Feb 2024 / In News & Politics

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Toki 10 months ago

But Tim you get paid to be unemployed. Far more than 50 an hour as well. So what's the issue here? You want your fast food worker to work for free correct Tim? Your Timcast food driver. Landscaper. All the folks who provide a real honest service to you so you can play on the internet and never work at all. That's a huge reason why inflation is so bad. So many people don't work at all. The online artists, Paytreon beggers, Superchat collectors, women on welfare, Minecraft streamers, etc. Yet they deserve millions a year or more? While the real worker who provides a life of luxury to Biden and streamers has to live in poverty?
Also if these people got wages then more money would flow to you Tim. They are minimum wagers on welfare after all so I expect they are the ones who donate to strangers online like idiots. Speaking of minimum wagers right now are on welfare. There's really no answer to it. The companies are Greedy, your Greedy, and the Gov is Greedy. Best solution is if the productive folks mass suicide then you run out of productive slaves to provide your pampered lifestyle Tim. You might have to make your own peanut butter sandwich instead of using a fast delivery driver and restaurant workers who gets paid less than current minimum wage. The only reason you care about the minimum wage. You lose your cheap access to labor slaves providing your basic needs that you are too lazy to provide for yourself. I say fuck the CEOs and investors. They are also freeloaders using other people for personal gains. Similar to single moms. Just look at how terrible they are with modern ads. CEOs and shareholders pushing the DEI nonsense. They don't deserve their high wages and vested returns playing a rigged game of Monopoly against the average person who is born into poverty. That's why they should all kill themselves and then the CEOs and shareholders will starve and cry because their servants are gone. Meanwhile you'd be left with weak useless males like Tim, and a whole lot of women. None of you would be willing to work for anything honestly so it would turn into a wasteland within 6 months.
How about instead of minimum wage we cut all taxation?

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Lucifer333 12 months ago

yes, break the economy even more

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