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California Dreamin'

Published on 18 Jun 2024 / In Other
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Drums_McBashington 3 months ago  

Ho Lee Phuck
New Heavy Weight Screaming World Champion
This one should have started with Tubular Bells.

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mrghoster 3 months ago

I'm reall surprised that Heart attacks among women todayare not rising above MEN? I sat that because every women today goes of on an ULTRA STRESS level flip out over the slightest little thing these day's? But them Why the fuck should I care women don't and will never again play any part of interference in my life again thank God! It's kinda becoming the boring norm for women to show out as CUNT's these day's and no one is listening anymore are WE! lol!

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 3 months ago

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I Learned 3 important things watching this video...
(1.) Banshees live in Ohio and California.
(2.) Banshees shouldn't have driver's licenses.
(3.) Don't drive around with expired out-of-state license plates or California Bears will try to rape you.

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Get 20 sturdy men or valour, and 20 meter lengths of hose, and drag her into the city square, and beat her.

The fucking cunt would have something to scream about then.

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5jerry1 3 months ago

~ Acting crazy isn't going to help anything.

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It does - it helps sink any good will or better outcomes that she could have gotten.

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 3 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Actually, it did help. The indictments for felony charges were dropped in favor of pleading guilty for misdemeanors. Or was that because she was a woman? Or was that because she's a crazy woman intoxicated?

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jim bennett
jim bennett 3 months ago

She asked, what did they help? nothing.,. cops like this are not needed.. They should be arresting illegals..

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