Can't we have nice things anymore? It's ALWAYS this crap in EVERYTHING
Published on 10 Aug 2024 / In
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You've said it "It's all about the money; hate the game, not the players. If there were no longer the thirsty simps to pay it wouldn't happen. Transactions for flesh is the oldest profession, the first paid soldiers were the Roman legions and prostitution predates that by a few centuries. So you can get spun up about this which will only cause you high blood pressure or do something constructive like getting divorce laws changed and remove big daddy government out of giving hand outs to females that don't want to work. If misandry were to be removed from the legal/financial system(s) then a more balanced society would ensue.
No thanks I'll take Graf Zeppelin's free onlywaifus.
80's is better than today's music culture. GTA Vice City has the best GTA radio soundtrack. I'm not considering original game music here just the radio stations.
They want men to simp ,it's better for the economy ,simple .No men want to be cucked nowadays ,marriage is dead so they promote this kind of shit .They want men to be slaves and weak ,that's why most children are "educated" by wahmen and that's why sex and porn are promoted everywhere
Hmmmm some times, when people do things for fun, it's good.
When it is standardised and regulated and judged and it becomes competitive - it seems to take all the "neighbourhood kids having fun" out of it.