Canada: Karen is thrown off the bus after spitting on a man's face.
Published on 24 Oct 2020 / In
People & Blogs
Karen é jogada para fora do ônibus após cuspir no rosto de um homem. O incidente ocorreu em Vancouver. A atitude do rapaz está certissima, colocou a vagabunda no seu lugar. Chega de Misandria e Ginocentrismo. Fight back! Telegram -
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I don't approve of such violence--it is abhorrent.
If you're going to do such, do it properly, and ensure her head makes contact with a hard object during the landing, preferrably a pole.
I'm just here to help.
He was a gentleman.
He helped her off the bus.
She's lucky she still has her teeth.
notice the Simps and white knights telling HIM to chill it. I guess those Pricks would have just sat their and get spat on? spitting on someonbe is assault because spittle can carry desease and illness that can be spread.
Notice the fefail that said to the guy "My God whats wrong with you"/ typical. women will cat fight with each other until another cat is in trouble (self induced). this piece of Cunt should have landed on it's face, it would be an improvement!
Perfect defense. Glad more guys aren't taking this BS from these heauxs.