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Canada Tudeau facing less than happy constituents (a lynch mob)

Published on 02 Sep 2021 / In Film & Animation

It is only a matter of time before the people of Canada, rush him and kill him.
I myself - after seeing Trudea lying his fucking arse off in the Canadian parliament - totally endorse him and most of the Canadian MP's, the health dept and many other assorted officials - being hung as well.

Fuck them.

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Takingastand 3 years ago

Even after all of that he's still our male feminist PM.

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slapmonkey 3 years ago

He ought right threatened peoples kids. He deserves what's coming. It still amazes me people don't even know Pierre paid off the blok way back when to keep them silenced about Canukistan not being a country. Puckin cercle jerk assholes.

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GenerationLESS 3 years ago

"If you make peaceful change impossible, you make violent revolution inevitable." John F. Kennedy

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bigintol03 3 years ago

That faggot SHOULD be lynched!

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I am all in favour of cruel and inhuman ways to kill SOME people - really sadistic and nasty stuff. The thing is that once abuse and murder and criminal activities by the likes of Trudea and Co., go from minor inconveninces to full on unrestricted mass murder and many peoples churches, small and medium business go broke, there is mass unemployment, homelessness, and there are shits heads like Antifa and BLM roaming freely, while innocents are getting pulverised by the cops and the health depts, then they start forcing people to take the Blood Clot Depopulation Shot - and then they force everyone into highly restricted quarantine and lock downs and vaccination pass ports, etc., and people are dying from the Depopulation Shots, THEN the idea of sadistic and cruel punishments for the likes of Truidea come across as a great idea. I for one would like to see mass hangings, where they get say Trudea and 100 of his parliamentary peers, and hang them from a rafter in a HUGE warehouse, but in tying the noose over their necks, don't give them a clean kill hanging, just hand winch them so ONLY their heels are 2" / 50mm above the ground, and leave their hands and legs unbound, so they can all thrash around together, as they get tireder and more and more exhausted.... But when it comes to masses of corrupt cunts like these I think of using new and improved versions of the Nazi mass extermination techniques.... Fuck firing squads... Pack 100,000 people into a huge junker cruise liner and sink it 30 K off shore in icy cold waters., and strong off shore currents.

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bigintol03 3 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: LMAO, that was quite the diatribe, BUT! I like the way you think Sir!

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